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"Grandpa, don't nobody in this state sale that this time of the year." Mowry glared at Nadia. "I need my oranges." Nadia rolled her eyes. "We have been to six stores.." Nadia started going into another aisle to get him some candy that was shaped like an orange. "Here."

Mowry gave her a look, "That's that bullshit." Nadia groaned outwardly, I just wanna go home! We have been at this for two hours! Mowry shrugged, "Fine." Nadia let out a small squeal walking ahead of Mowry nearly sprinting out the store as she crashed right into her cousin Eva

"Nay!" Eva shrieked as she stepped right on her toes. Nadia jumped back. "Sorry." Eva sighed, but than she smiled. "I should kill you. You know these shoe's cost me like $350.00."Nadia eyed her J's.  "My bad cousin." Nadia had always gotten along with Eva, though they never really hung out that much because she had her twin.

"I went to your house yesterday, but I see you got kicked out again. Me, Ava, AJ, Matthew, One of AJ's friends, and Katy are all gonna do something later today. I told AJ you would wanna go, just tell him your at Grandpa's house."

Nadia started taking out her phone texting AJ. "Where is Ava, ya'll are usually always together." Eva turned around looking behind her, before looking back at Nadia again. "She was with Dad, and Mom. You know her, and Mom like to get lost in the stores though." As soon as the sentence left her lips Nadia watched Uncle Mowry ushering Ava, and Chelsea out the store.

"Hi TT" Nadia smiled greeting Chelsea. Chelsea smiled. "Hi Nay, you being good? Probably not." Nadia gave her a Auntie a look. "You not. Cause ya little bad ass got kick out again." Nadia shrugged nonchanlantly,"I just wanna be free to do my own thing, can't nobody hold me back."

"Stop all that talking, and shit I'm tryna get back to my game."

"Shut the hell up Mowry." Nadia's Uncle, and Auntie had an interesting relationship, but you knew they loved each other alot. "I want a hug." Nadia told her Uncle. Uncle Mowry eyed her,"You need a lot of things, but a hug ain't one. How you doin Dad?"

Grandpa Mowry looked at all his kids. "Fine, just watching y'all get loud, and embrass the hell out of me." Nadia clicked her teeth,"You know he always think he tough. Nadia shoved her Uncle making him stumble.

"I'm gonna whoop yo ass if you keep pushing me." Nadia snorted. "Nigga please." Nadia bumped her Uncle again, and giggled when he grabbed her by the waist -- hoisting her up over his shoulder.

"Mom told me that Grandpa caught you having sex in the kitchen!" Nadia hollered loudly through her laughter making a couple people look over.

"Is that right? Well I'm gonna kill your Mother." Nadia laughed. "Was it that good TT that you had to get it in, in the kitchen!? Like fo'real he ain't even that cute" Chelsea started laughing at Nadia's playful insult. Ava and Eva frowned in disgust, "Can we just finish grocery shopping?" They both spoke at the same time.

Nadia was always the one to start something when ever she was around her family.


"You don't even know if you can go. Technically you're on punishment, and just getting dressed up." Nadia looked at her Grandpa almost pleading him with her eyes. "And you not helping." Mowry pointed at Tiffany as she fluffed out Nadia's curls. "Boy, hush she's going out with family, and I'm letting her go. Don't listen to Grandpa, he's getting old and senile."

Nadia laughed walking over to hug her Grandpa. Mowry hugged her tight kissing her head. "Be good please. Curfew is at 12am." Nadia nodded as they all heard the honk of AJ's grand cherokee outside. "Bye Grandma, Grandpa." Nadia pulled open the door rushing rushing out in her all black adidias.

Katy was the first one Nadia saw as she pulled open the back door.

They both squeal hugging each other as Nadia climbed in shutting the car door. In the front was AJ, and his cute as friend Tim. In the middle seat was Matthew, Nadia, and Katy. In the very back was Ava, Eva, and some funny looking guy. Nadia looked at Matthew as she sat beside him.

"Well you're stuck beside me now." Nadia spoke wanting to piss him off.

"Don't start Nay." Everybody in the car seemed to say. Matthew  just eyed her. "So you not showing yo ass today?" Katy scooted over Nadia sitting right between them. "Ya'll stop, we're suppose to be having fun."

"You two already had fun." Nadia mumbled unconciously. Katy glared at Nadia. "Seriously Nay?" Nadia chewed her lip. "Sorry." Matthew just shook his head. "That's why we aint friends now, CAUSE YOU CAN'T KEEP YOUR GOT-DAMN MOUTH SHUT!"

"MATTHEW CHILL" AJ spoke from the front.

Nadia glared over Katy's shoulder,"FUCK YOU MATTHEW." Everybody seemed to sigh as Nadia, and Matthew started going at it. "FUCKING EVERY NIGGA IN THE SCHOOL, I BET YOU GOT A LOOSE PUSSY."


Matthew laughed sarcastically. "Bullshit."

As soon as the car stopped Nadia was the first one out ready to whoop Matthew's ass. They had  fought once before when they were younger. Nadia had whooped Matthew's ass that time. Nadia shoved him twice ready for it to go down as they stood on the parking lot of the bowling alley.

Katy grabbed Nadia by the waist. "Nay stop." Matthew just looked tense.

"Okay, look we are about to have a good night." Ava spoke up before looking over at her cousin, "Only when Nadia stops being a whore." Ava smile laughing. Nadia glared. " I will once you do too." Ava looked apalled that she said that.

Eva shushed Ava because she wasn't helping, not a damn bit. "Okay, we are about to settle this. You know I love both of you, and Matthew you like my little cousin too, but why are you two always fighting."

When neither spoke up Katy did, "Matthew, wishes Nadia could keep her legs closed. He doesn't like that she fucks around." Eva looked confused,"Okay, why does it really matter to you Matthew?  We are like family to each other. We all hate each other for some reason, but at the end of the day we got each other's back.  Ava and Nadia fight all the time, and they both hoe around. Yes, but we love each other in the end.

AJ was twirling his keys, Tim was standing there watching awkwardly, And Eva and Ava's guy friend looked really intridged by the situation.

"WHY DOES EVERYBODY KEEP SAYING I HOE AROUND!!" Nadia sighed lowering her voice when her throat started to hurt." I have literally been with Justin, Ken.. "And" Nadia hesitated for a moment, as her eyes met Matthew's own eyes," And You"

"Well Damn.." AJ's voice seemed to break into what everybody was thinking.


That explains SOOOOO much right now.

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