[7] Roses

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Next day I had been shifted to Madeline's room, giving my room to James so he could be opposite to Avon. Madeline still has doubt about Avon, but it's been really funny thinking Avon might be gay.

Today mom had gone with dad to attend an office party. I was sitting with Madeline talking about random kinds of stuff when Avon entered the room.

"Would you like to watch a movie?" Avon asked.

"We would love to, but I will select the movie," Madeline said while getting up from the bed.

"Oh, not the cliché ones, I hate those," Avon groaned, but I just sit and watch.

"Okay, not the clichés, but not the action ones either," Madeline said in a weird voice doing the acting.

"Let's select with eyes closed," I suggested, stopping their weird antics.

Nina and Charlotte were busy doing paintings so it was me, Avon, Madeline, and James.

"Let me pick," I said while going to select the movie.

The movie I randomly selected was Conjuring. Why does it have to be horror?It's not like I'm scared of horror movies, but Madeline is, and whenever we watch a horror movie Madeline will not let you sleep at night.

Avon switched on the television playing Conjuring and we made ourselves comfortable on the couch. Madeline held the cushion tightly in her hands, making her knuckles turn into white.

Then, while I was busy watching, I heard the voice whispering in my ear.

"Have you forgotten me, Emma?" The laugh echoed in my ear, causing me to turn back, only catching her shadow disappearing into the walls.

"Are you okay Emma?" Madeline asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, and I sink back into watching.

The movie ended and the credits start to roll when the screen turned blood red and the words appeared--

'Roses, roses, red roses, now turning into black ones. Roses, roses, red roses, now get ready to die soon.'

Fading up and zooming across the screen. I was frozen at the moment, knowing she was back all of it was real.

"Emma." Avon's loud voice brought me back.

"What were you thinking?" He inquired.

"What was that?" I asked, pointing towards the television screen.

"Some fault in the movie, there is nothing to worry about, Emma," Avon said. "This is the first time I've seen you getting scared while watching any horror movie, Emma, is it really you?" He gave me a strange look.

"Sharing a room with Madeline is affecting you, Emma," Avon laughed, inciting a small fight with Madeline.

"Do they fight like this every time?" James asked, looking at Avon and Madeline fighting like small kids.

"Most of the time," I said to James.

"So you don't have any relatives?" I regretted asking that question the moment I looked towards James' gloomy face. His eyes showed no emotions but he wore a hardened expression, it was the face of a boy who had lost what he knew. The knowing did not soften the desolation.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that," I quickly remarked.

"It's not like that, I was in a foster home...my foster parents were old, but they were really good. After their death though, there was no one to look after me, so here I am all alone." His tone remained calm with every word.

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