[10] Troubles

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Starting of trouble's


Maddie still won't talk to me and I haven't asked James about his yesterday's statement.

Two days passed by and everything felt weird. But somehow I managed to bring back Madeline in her own self since past two days I was been feeling like a statue of Madeline was sitting in my room, but thank god to this water called as "tears" way to ease for bringing your love ones on track.

I was in the garden with Madeline planting trees. Mom had given us this work so this place could feel like more home.

While I was watering some of the flower plants, Madeline called me.

"What happen Maddie?" I asked her keeping the water pipe on the ground.

"Look what I got, isn't it beautiful?" She said while showing me the necklace covered in mud.
It was having this beautiful blue colored diamond on it while the bordering was of small stones.
Though it was cover in mud it looked beautiful.

Madeline took the pipe and washed the necklace making it shine and look clean.

She took the pendant out from the old silver string and put it into her pocket.

"You must give it to mom Maddie," I told her.

"What mom is going to do it, she already has so many in her box, and you know it better than me!" She said while walking away.

"Madeline, you should not keep it, it might be valuable," I said while going behind her.

"Why? Are you jealous that you didn't get it first," this time Madeline yelled at me.
What just happened she had never talked to me like this.

I didn't stop her and went to the garden to close the tap.
When I reached towards the water pipe, it was already turned off.

Madeline must have done it.
I was going to go inside when James cane in the garden with his headphones in his hands.

"Hey Emma!" he said while walking towards me.

Should I ask him about yesterday?

"Hi, where are you going?" I asked him.

"Just for a walk, do anyone lives in the neighborhood ?" He asked.

"No one lives but there is a housekeeper Mrs. Jones", I said while pointing towards the two houses far at a corner.

"Weird place isn't it?" James said mostly talking to himself.

"First, when we came I also thought it is weird but this place is far from the city so no one lives here, I explained.

"Enjoy your walk, I said when the memory of the day when I just saw all the things on road made me quiet.

"Are you okay?" James asked.

"Yes just tired, will see you at dinner," I said and ran inside the house.


After getting relaxed I continued reading my book.
When I got downstairs Avon was sitting on the couch.

"Did you saw James?" He asked.

"He went for a walk in evening, hasn't he returned?" I asked.

"Nope," Avon said now looking at the clock.

"Should we go and search for him," I suggested Avon.

Let's wait for few minutes then we will see, Avon said now with a worried look.

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