Shade 27

272 31 8

Silvertongue lolls lavishly upon his throne, tossing his champagne around in his glass carelessly as his subjects work around him. Yellowstar enters.

Yellowstar: Silvertongue, what in StarClan's name have you done to my Clan?

Silvertongue: That's Silverstar to you, and I haven't done anything I'll have you know

Yellowstar: Silverstar? I'm the leader here, not you! I'm Yellowstar, leader of Sun/Moon/IdekClan!

Silverstar: No, I don't think so, Yellowfur

Yellowfur: Who died and put you in charge?

Silverstar: My old ways of finding love, of course! Silly poems and ambiguous ideas won't get me the she-cat of my dreams, because you know what they really want?

Yellowfur: The opposite of you?

Silverstar: No! They want a leader! A rich, powerful and glamorous leader to sweep them off their paws, and taking over SunClan for my own will get me there!

Yellowfur: But you don't know the first thing about leading a Clan!

Silverstar: And you do?

Yellowfur: ...

Silverstar: Fetch me my servants, peasant!

Yellowfur: Bubblefur! Rubberbutt!

Incoherent screaming erupts from the crowd as the old favourites from WFE return

Bubblefur: *glares at Yellowfur* what do you want

Rubberbutt: Make it quick, I've got a meeting with all the dead characters of the CG franchise to discuss our funerals

Silverstar: I need you to lure Amethystglimmer into this den so I can wow her with my superiority!

Bubblefur: *rolls eyes* whatever

Silverstar: Ah, I can't wait to finally win her over! She'll swoon as soon as she sees me

Yellowfur: ... I believe Amethystglimmer is on her way, I hear her talking to Bubblefur

Silverstar: *screams* *fixes appearance*

Bubblefur: ... and that's how I saved seven hundred kits from a burning building!

Amethystglimmer: You're so brave! Wanna be mates?

Bubblefur: sure!

Amethystglimmer: lit

Silverstar: DAMMIT

Yellowfur: Right, well, now that's failed, I'll take my name and den back *kicks him out*

Silvertongue: Richness can't buy a she-cat, I guess...

Yellowstar: Nah, it can, you've just got a horrible personality!

Silvertongue: -_-

~Written by Hazel lmao~

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