Shade 37

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Silvertongue: I've been looking up flirting methods online and I think I finally found the best way to win Amethystglitter's heart!

Leafspot: But why?

Silvertongue: Sorry?

Leafspot: Why do you need to win her heart?

Silvertongue: Because it's Amesthystglitter and she's majestic.

Leafspot: But I'm already here. You won my heart like sixty episodes ago.

Silvertongue: There haven't even been sixty episodes yet.

Leafspot: *exactly

Silvertongue: I...I'm going to leave now...If that's alright...

Leafspot: You have my heart. Wherever you go, I come.

Silvertongue: No, I'd rather you not...I'm just going to...

Leafspot: BUT SILVERTONGUE, I LOVE YOU *throws self onto Silvertongue*

Silvertongue: *extricates himself and runs for his life*

Leafspot: *watches balefully* I'll find a way to get you...mark my words, I will.

Silvertongue: Wow, alright, uh continuing with the episode after that disturbing and hopefully never reoccurring experience - this time, I'll help Amethystglitter with her emotional troubles! Then she'll view me as kind and caring and she'll finally find a way to express her undying love for me!

Amethystglitter: *walks by*

Silvertongue: Amethystglitter! I need to talk to you!

Amethystglitter: *sighs* Oh no, not again. What is it this time, Silvertongue?

Silvertongue: Do you have any problems? Anything I can solve? *sidles up* You know I'd help any way I can!

Amethystglitter: Ugh, no - well, actually yes. There is one problem.

Silvertongue: *grows hopeful* Tell me! I'll do it right away.

Amethystglitter: You. You're the problem. Go away

Silvertongue: I-

Amethystglitter: No. Scram. Glodhart, where are youuuu?

Silvertongue: But-

Glodhart: heyllo deer hru

Amethystglitter: *bats eyelashes* oh my god you care about my feelings so much I love you!

Silvertongue: Wha-

Glodhart: ily 2! kum un letz go lik ut ur keets!

Amethystglitter and Glodhart sashay away, with Glodhart turning back to throw a last comment at Silvertongue.

Glodhart: lol noob

agh Duskie here

I haven't written anything on here in so long

I'm sorry guys I'm not funny anymore

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