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Hello to all of my lovely readers,                                                                                                                                                     Sorry this is not a update but i think i should give a big THANKS to all my supporters.If it weren't for you all i don't think i would have been motivated to continue honestly. I'm am so grateful of all of you for supporting me, reading my book, commenting, and voting. It is seriously so amazing how many people have read or at least view this my book and how many actually voted and comment I seriously thought that this book would be a fail. I'm so happy that my book has got this far i know to most it doesn't really seem like anything but to me as the author its amazing because in my mind i had a doubt that me putting my time behind this book would just be a waste but its not because i get to see my book increase with votes, comments, and views/reads every single day which honestly makes my day. Ok so enough about that and lets get in to some other things i want to say. Ok so I know there are mistakes in my grammar and spelling. This is because i don't check if there are any mistakes because i feel its better to just get the chapter published and go check in my free time for any mistakes. So if there is anyone who has problems with that PLEASE PLEASE let me know i will like my absolute best to fix it but if you want chapter to be published fast there are gonna be mistakes. This is because it take me a few days to planned the chapter out and then 2 - 3 days to write it because I don't have much free time especially with school but now that I'm on a 2 1/2 week break for Christmas i will try my best to atleast have 2 to 3 chapter upload I'm am hoping 4 to 5 but life just happens sometimes and things just mess up. BTW if you don't know what this whole thing is about I just want to let you guys know about a few thing like whats happening in my life, how im feeling about this book why its taking so long to update and etc. Anyway the next thing im gonna talk about is about my self because i had a comment about where im from. So i was born in the United States of America which make me American but both my parents are from India which make my ethnicity Indian. I hope this make sense. Anyway India has a big influence on this book I was never really influence to  greatly about my own culture by my parents i was when i was little but the older i got the less they try to influence Indian on me. But i have always loved watching tv and when i was about the age 7 maybe i started watching Indian shows and i understood them really easily even though i didn't know how to speak the language i could still understand it. Now i know your wondering what language i speak or know. I can speak English, Gujarati and the basics of french because im still learning but, I understand Hindi very well and  very little of Turkish ( just started learning a few months ago ). I can read in English of course, Gujarati, Hindi if there is letter form like English is but i cant read Hindi or Gujarati if it like how they write it in India. Anyway enough about me. The last thing i want to say is that all the comments or messages I receive will always be read and i will reply to them as fast as possible. Ok bye now please stay tuned for chapter and please please read my other books.

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