Not an update - PLZ READ

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It's so sad that so many people are having to leave there houses because of all the water damage that is happening. For those of you who don't love in the United States might not know but Texas and states near it are being hit with Hurricane Harvey. There is so much heavy rain that is causing flooding, fires, and even a few explosions have happened at chemical plants that are in Texas. There are tornadoes warning in areas that have high speed winds. It's just so sad of the people who are being killed by being drowned in the flood water, power outages, how many people are losing their homes, and how many people are having to abandon there pets. Just plz pray even if you don't live in the United States for all of these people who are being affected by Hurricane Harvey.

~Author's Note~

Thank you for reading this if you did!!!💕 Plz pray for the people being affected😓and I love you all!!!💕

MARRIED IN COLLEGEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora