Chapter 12 | Project The Wheels On The Bus

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This chapter is dedicated to @Kirsche_XD

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I leaned back on the white comfy sofa, observing how cozy Sophia and Jordan were. They sat close to one another, to the point that not even a worm could worm it's way through. I watched how they giggled and whispered things into one another's ears - like love couples.

Could he have been the one to take her virginity? Would she ever tell me who took her virginity? And why was she keeping it such a big secret.

"Why the hell are you glaring at the TV?" Brandon interrupted my thoughts from my right.

"This movie sucks," I answered, it was absolute shit. The movie was called Scary Movie and all it involved was a guy with this stupid scary mask killing people off one by one with an unrealistic plot.

"Don't lie to me, I saw you looking over there." He pointed to the left where Jordan and Sophia sat. "So, I am going to ask you one more time again - why are you glaring at the TV?"

I exhaled and inhaled before speaking. I gritted my teeth. "Your brother and my best friend seem close," I answered.

He raised a dark brow. "And?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "And nothing." I shifted away from Brandon and continued to watch this boring horror movie.

"That's it, I don't know about the rest of you but this movie sucks," Jordan complained, drinking his bottle of coke.

"Yes, I agree," Sophia chimed in, glancing sideways to Jordan with a smile.

Lorenzo stood up from the couch, walking to the mini white coffee table in the middle. "Fine, lets do something fun," he said as he switched off the TV with the black remote which laid on the coffee table where he stood.

Brandon turned to look at Lorenzo with a smirk of biting ridicule on his face. "What do you have in mind?"

Lorenzo shrugged in response. "I don't know, Jordan?" He turned to look at Jordan who was beaming.

"How about swimming?!" He yelled out in excitement, running off to who knew where.

"Why is he so excited to swim?" I asked as I watched Sophia following him.

Brandon and Lorenzo shrugged their shoulders as they too followed.

"Urg," I groaned and followed the rest.

"Alex, you got a swimming costume?" Jordan called out from the indoor swimming pool.

I nodded my head. "Yes, it's in my bag," I answered.

Jordan took off his shirt as well as he jeans. "Well go get it, it's going to be a long night." As soon as he said that he dived into the pool like a manic while the boys mimicked his action and jumped into the pool.

I could tell that it was going to be a long night.


Groaning, I shielded my eyes with my arm preventing my eyes from hurting too much from the sun. I stood up from silky gold covered bed on a mission to find some food in this huge mansion.

I brushed my teeth and tried taming my wild brown curls to look as presentable as it could. I left the room to search for some food.

Taking the right stairs which led me to spacious lounge, I continued to walk until I reached the kitchen where I knew I would get some decent food.

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