Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Anastasia sits on the cushioned chair as the man, Agent Taylor Hens, on the other side of the table paces back and forth.

“I understand that you are going through a lot, but you need to talk to us what happened while you were kidnapped.”

She remains silent. She doesn’t want to talk to anyone other than Kyle. She doesn’t trust anyone other than Kyle.

The man with the ginger red hair doesn’t have any more patience on spare on her. “What do you want? I can bring you anything reasonable for you to talk.”

She looks at him and narrows her eyes, but doesn’t say anything.

“Anastasia?” He pushes her with his eyes to speak up.

“I want to see my daughter.” She finally spoke.

He runs his hand down his face in exhaustion. He’s been trying to get her to talk for hours and now that he finally got her to, she wants to see someone that’s not her daughter. It’s an a difficult situation, he knows she knows better than that. “I’m afraid that won’t be possible, Ms. Dylan.”

She narrows her blue-green eyes at him. “Mrs. Dominic.” She corrects him.

He nods. “I wouldn’t think you would like to be called the wife of the man who kidnapped you for seven years.” She doesn’t answer. She doesn’t need to. He sighs. “The FBI doesn’t have much evidence to go on at the moment we have the case for Holly Anderson set. Since she was kidnapped so young the lawyers would have a difficult time pushing Xavier to more than five years in federal prison, if you don’t confess. If we have the case with you confessing, detailing your kidnapping with the treatment of you and the small girl then we can demand a sentence of fifty to life without parole.” He leans forward to keep eye contact with her. “We can lock him up for the rest of his life. Will you help? Or will you let him walk away to take another victim?”

She knows she should talk, but he could be working for Xavier and that is something she will not risk. Even if this man is so convincing. There’s a small part of her that wishes not to talk about anything of the times she’s been with Xavier. Somewhere inside of her knows this is just the beginning. She doesn’t know what’s coming, but whatever it is will be enough. She doesn’t care what happens to her, but if there’s a way for her to protect Hailey she will do everything even if it means going back to Xavier. Her life doesn’t matter. Those that are innocent do.

Why is this hell hole so hard to live through? All she knows is the life of being trapped in s metal room with no sound, no air, and no windows. The hell of a room she was forced into as years passed. Nothing will be the same. This is the life she’s grown to accept. Even if Xavier isn’t around at the moment she knows it’s a matter of time before he takes her again.

She stares away towards the small camera on the corner that he probably thinks she hasn’t noticed it yet. “You are dead.” She looks at Agent Hens in the eyes and the force behind her eyes show merciless coldness. “Anyone that tries to stop Xavier will die before they can do anything about it.” She looks up at the camera and points at it. “He’s watching. He’s always watching. That doesn’t make anyone safe.” She stands up. “This building doesn’t make anyone safe! We will all die!” she slams her hands down to wooden table that separates Agent Hens to her. “You need to accept that.” She whispers to him. Anastasia sits back down on the chair and doesn’t speak again. They all need to accept their fate. Just another pawn in Xavier’s twisted games.

The files are being prepared for the prosecution to Xavier Dominic. Kyle Vinx steps into Director Cadet’s room with Agent Kelly Smith. Her red-orange hair dances around her shoulders as she takes a seat in front of the director.

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