Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Anastasia tightly holds the blanket to her body. She sits still as she stares out the window of her new room, well her old room before she got kidnapped. Xavier was smart. Hiring guards to pass as the ones that supposed to be protecting her? It’s just like him, and she doesn’t know whether it’s good that he’s so predictable, or not. She just wants it all to stop without dragging anyone innocent into this.    

“Ana?” She turns away from the window to find George standing by the door way.


“Thought you could use some company.” She nods at him before letting him in. “How are you feeling?”

She turns around to stare out the window. The moon taunts her thoughts of Kyle. Does he know what happened? Is he coming? “I suspected him to come for me, so I’m fine.”

“It must have been hard.” George states, trying to make her open up to him.

Anastasia just shrugs. “I dealt with it before.”

“Can you look at me?” She turns around to stare at the person who once was her best friend. “I know you don’t remember much-”

“I really don’t remember you at all other than the Ana-doll nickname.”

“My point is that I’m here for you for whenever and whatever you need me for.”

She walks over to him with the grace of a swan. She hugs her blanket closer to her. “George, I can’t trust anyone, but I’m willing to try. I want to remember everything. Every single detail of the life that was taken away from me. I want to know who I am, and where I come from. But right now, I just want to be alone. I don’t think I’m ready for anything else.”

“I understand that.”

She nods at him. “It’s better if you.”

“FBI agents, Block A. secure all premises.” Anastasia’s heart flutters as the raspy voice coming from the walkie talkie informs them.

George responses back into the device with every other guard connected. “Block H evaluate, heading to Block A.”

“I want to go.”

“I know, let’s go.”

Anastasia walks alongside George while five guards follow in front of her and five follow behind her. The security measurement can be very detailed, but they don’t know Xavier like she does.  If Xavier wants her dead, he’s going to kill her. She knows he doesn’t, he just wants her back. She can hear the sounds of argument from the living room. Her father’s voice booms like echo.

“I want him dead. Dead, you understand me?!”

“Mr. Dylan, we are working on this case the best way as possible. We already have the Marines, and some of the best Marshalls to be your aid and protecting her.” Kelly said.

“I don’t care about all the security. They are all untrustworthy. They all can be easily bought.”

“I assure you-”

“He’s right.” Kyle interrupted his partner. That’s when Anastasia let herself be known. The guards in front of her spreaded around to give her the perfect view of Agent Vinx. His worried brownish-green eyes enchant her as he talks to her father, but doesn’t keep his eyes off of her. “The only person who can be trusted is whomever Anastasia picks.”

“Agent Vinx-”

He turns to his partner as he clears his throat. “Agent Smith, she knows Xavier more than any of us. She will clearly tell who is loyal and who isn’t.”

“He’s right.” Anastasia finally speaks up. “You’re all deluded if you think that Xavier wouldn’t bribe or kill anyone who gets in his way.”

“Sweet heart, you need to go rest.” Her mother approaches her with concern. “I’ll wake you later to eat.”

“I’m not hungry or tired. I want to make sure everything is set.”

“You don’t have to worry about these things anymore. We will take care of it.” Her father faintly smiles.

She just shakes her head. “I’m fine.” She assures her parents before turning her attention Agent Vinx. “When can I meet the arriving guards?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

 Kelly checks her watch before turning to her parents. “I need to fly back in a couple of hours, but Agent Vinx has agreed to stay a couple of days and get the new guards settled and trained. Does that sound alright?” The Dylans nod in agreement. “Agent Vinx will be staying at the Hilton hotel close by.”

“I would feel much better if Agent Vinx stays with us here for the remaining time of his visit.” Her mother states. “Isn’t that right, honey?” She asks her husband beside her.

“Yes. He will stay here and train the new guards.”

Agent Smith doesn’t look pleased. “I don’t think that it’s professional for any agent to stay within the home of the victim. Isn’t that right, Agent Vinx?” She warns him with her clear blue eyes. Anatasia can’t help but think what Agent Smith is really on about.

Kyle nods in agreement, much to her disappointment. “I appreciate the offer. I must decline though.” He says to her parents.

She takes a step forward with determination. “Please stay. I would feel better if there as someone I could trust here.” She’s been acting for years under false pretense next to Xavier. Next to the world. She hated how she could have lied to those around her of the monster Xavier is, but now she lies for her own benefit. She wants Kyle close to her. If he’s here with her then he won’t get hurt. They can protect each other. She owes him that much. “Please stay with me.” She whispers so low that no one can hear her.

She knows she has got her way when her father speaks. “I will personally speak to Cadet and get his permission for Agent Vinx to stay here. I know he will understand that how critic this situation is to my family.”

“Thank you, governor.” Agent Kelly smiles before she leaves along with two other FBI agents.

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