Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Anastasia Dylan does know where she stands. Her feelings towards Kyle Vinx confuse her. The ways her parents look at her with so much hope scare her. The way she stares out the jet’s window brings her to her thoughts. She doesn’t know what to expect now from life. It’s as if the entire world has become so much brighter in her eyes. She doesn’t feel safe, of course not, but maybe she could be with so many people around her. She wants to see Hailey to make sure that she’s doig the right thing, but Hailey’s real parents don’t want their daughter to have contact with her. She doesn’t understand that, but she respects it.

She can’t help, but think that Xavier will never give up on her. As twisted as it may seem, his obsession started with love. She has dim memories about the time he first took her to his mansion. He told her that everything was hers and that would start a a family of their own. She never thought that he would say things like that to her and it sacred her at the time. She fought to break out with everything she could, but it was no use. That was the beginning of the life she wished she would have died from.  Now thinking about Kyle’s last words before she entered the jet it brings her some kind of hope awaken in her.

Kyle stood at the bottom end of the staircase from her with his emotions in restraint because his partner Agent Smith was standing a couple of feet away from him. Anastasia couldn’t help, but look fragile as she stared at the man who saved her and has promised to make everything better for her. A man that warms her up by every touch and every word. She takes slow steps down the staircase until she runs into his arms. He buried his face on the small part of her neck. So many emotions couldn’t surpass the thought of not ever seeing him again.

“Everything will be okay.” He whispered before he let her go. Kyle nodded at her to go inside the jet. She felt lost, but his words buried inside her mind. Everything might be okay. If he said it then there might be validity in his words.

“Honey?” Her father lays a gentle hand on her shoulder, interrupting her of her thoughts. She flinches away from his burning touch as a reflex. “I’m sorry.” The hurt look is hard to ignore. “Buckle up, we’re landing.” She just nods and waits for the landing of her new life.

“Agent Vinx, my I have a word with you?” Kelly more ordered than suggested as soon as they updated the staff involved in the investigation.

“Yes.” Kyle follows Kelly into his office. He starts sorting out files on his desk, waiting for his partner to start the conversation. After a couple of mintues he decides to start the conversation himself. “We need to find Xavier Dominic. I have a feeling he could have disappeared to international territory. Narrowing these locations will be difficult if we don’t have sightings. I’ll give Adam a call to have Xavier on the wanted list and have Sharon, in media, run pictures of him on air.”

Kelly just stares at him, observing his movements. He hasn’t been acting the same. There are no jokes, or sarcasm. He’s so focused into this case that she can’t ignore the timing. One wrong move can ruin this case, and she won’t let him do that. The Anastasia Dylan case will make a mark if the FBI finds and trials Xavier Dominic. That won’t have with Kyle’s actions.

She slams her files on his desk. Kyle stares up at her with a confused frown. “I will not let you bring this case down. You understand that?” She threatens him.

He stands up in defense. “I’m working as hard as I can, Kelly. There’s only so much I can do on little leads. Instead of threatening me I suggest you work with me to solve this or I’ll do it alone.”

“I’m not stupid. You have something going on with the victim.”

“I do not. Don’t be stupid.”

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