Yuki's a nice person

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Yuki's p.o.v.

"Uh, well, I came here for plot convenience, duh. Like a store down the street, I'm open all the time and real cheap. Oh, fuck. That sounded wrong didn't it? God, what's wrong with me?" Mello questioned himself like that for a few more minutes, until I finally cut him off.

"Wait-- Mello, I need you to stop, alright? You're overreacting, calm down."

"YO! FUCKERS I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE! THE WINNER OF THE PUN WAR IS MELLLO. Now, you get to take me on a date." (Y/n) yelled through the speakers. Oh, yeah. We can hear her but because no one was holding the button down she can't hear  us. 

Mello smirked and turned to L, before promptly flipping him off. Near, was still passed out on the floor. Man, this day just keeps getting better and better. 

"Well, I shouldn't feel so accomplished about this, but I do." He said, flipping his hair as he did so. L, however, wasn't having none o' dat. He calmly walked over to the monitor, but I swear that I saw this purple aura around him. Like how you see in anime sometimes, when those people are feeling either really angry or about to comically hurt someone. You know, the thing?

He held the button down and began speaking, "(Y/n), If I do recall correctly, you said that only Near or I were going to be able to win. Mello had just interrupted us."

(Y/n) went quiet for moment and appeared to be thinking. After a while, she nodded and looked up at the camera. "You're right, L. In that case, since you are the only one of the two participants left, at least awake, You are the winner."

Huh? No, no, (Y/n) doesn't ever talk like that. I mean, sometimes, but god, she has never talked that way to L. Or any of them for that matter. But, I don't think that anyone else noticed that. 

Mello was real upset, his hands were balled up so tight I think that it drew blood. Wow, what's up with that! He stomped out of the room and I think out of the apartment. I looked over at L and saw a small sly smile. I pretended to not see anything, and averted my attention to the passed out Near. 

I sighed and drug him out of the room and over to the couch. I didn't put him on the couch though, because I wasn't that nice of a person. 

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