(A/n) Embarrassment

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So, uh... Something great  happened today in my chorus class today. I was in charge of picking out videos on Youtube and we were watching the Odd1soutcomics video "10 thing that keep me up at night". In it, he was talking about how millions of micro organisms were dying on your body, and most likely "doing it". Then he said, "Ha! Micro organism? MORE LIKE MICRO ORGASM!!!" And my teacher walked back into the room right then. 

You can just imagine the embarrassment I felt. She told me I was fired from picking videos from now on. I cried a little. ... I cried a bit more than a little. I was a mess.

It was mortifying. Like, I don't think I can ever show my face in that class again. I think I am going to start stress vomiting. Omg, it was horrible.

I felt like I needed to tell everyone that. Keep it. Keep my horrifying  memory and laugh at my misfortune. Its great... Just great.

(Please, help me. I can't miss anymore days of school, but I cannot go back there. It's the last class of the day, so... Should I just leave early? Skip out on choir? Die in a hole...?)

Help me. It hurts to think about. I keep thinking it's a nightmare, but it was real. Help.

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