Chapter Twenty Four: Christmas Special

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((A/N: omg I literally have an hour and a half to type this because my siblings still believe in Santa and my mom wants us to go to bed early so he can come, meaning I get no privileges :/ but I believe in myself! Right now it's Christmas Eve for me, but I'll post it on Christmas to make your day better. Merry Christmas everyone! I love you all so much!))

NOTE: If any of you guys live anywhere other than the United States, I'm very sorry! This chapter is based of of the American Christmas tradition. But enjoy!

Yawning, you sat up from your bed. What time was it? And what day was it?

Oh! Christmas Eve!

And the only problem was, you didn't have a present for Ed and Al yet. You started worrying and freaking out. Why were you so last minute about everything?! That's the famous Crimson Blood Alchemist, for you. She can't even remember to get her best friends a present for Christmas.

It's okay, you thought. I still have time. Christmas is tomorrow. Do they even have my present yet?

You sighed and got dressed into (outfit of choice, shoes of choice, makeup or no makeup). It was very cold outside! Too bad it wasn't snowing. You haven't seen snow in a long time, since where you used to live had warmer temperature and it wasn't cold enough to snow there. Maybe tomorrow..

You didn't know whether to go tell Ed and Al you were going shopping, since you didn't want them to come with you, of course. You decided to leave a little note that you would be gone for a few hours and that you were fine, and you'd be back soon.

Sneaking out of the house, you closed the door gently, grabbed your purse, and started walking to some nearby stalls and stores.

What would Ed like? Books? And what about Al?

You thought as hard as you could for what they would want, and you really hoped they would like it. You decided to get Ed some new jeans, a new shirt, and a Christmas sweater, since he never wears anything but that black tank top. Al's presents were kind of hard to think of, because you had to think of what he couldn't do. He does like cooking, even though he can't eat anything.

If I get him cooking stuff.. would he get upset? Would that remind him of how he can't eat? Sleep? Feel hot and cold?

Now you were really confused. You really didn't want him to be upset on Christmas. You started to think really hard of what he would like..

What's something you could get him that would occupy him for a long time while Ed sleeps? During the night?

Oh, a game console! Perfect! You could get him a game console, a couple of games, and maybe a cook book? Sounded good to you.

After doing all of your shopping, you were pretty satisfied. However, you did have to sneak back into the house once to check Ed's clothing sizes, which sounded kind of creepy, but it had to be done.

Walking back home, you forgot one thing. Christmas wrap and bows! You couldn't just give it to them unwrapped. You quickly ran down to the nearest store and went to look for Christmas wrap. Running down the aisle, you realized you were out longer than you thought. It was 5:30 pm! You definitely had to get back soon.

You looked at all the wrap, and was deciding which one you wanted when you heard a familiar voice. "Hey, (Y/N)!"

The blonde saw you and waved. She wasn't in her military uniform, so seeing her like this was kind of nice. Especially at Thanksgiving dinner, you thought she was beautiful.

"Hello, Mrs. Riza! What are you doing here at this hour?" You asked politely.

"I actually forgot wrapping paper last minute. I'm getting the Colonel a few gifts and I completely forgot about wrapping them."

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