Chapter 1

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I wake up to the obnoxious sound of my alarm clock going off,"I don't want to go to school" I scream right after I remembered that my parents and younger siblings decided to go to Hawaii without me. Some family right. It was a last minute decision and I can't be behind in school, so I was left. I got out of my bed stretching and rubbing the crust out of my eyes. I lazily sauntered over to the close with a yawn.

I decide to wear something warm considering that it has to be at least minus fifty degrees. Ugh, Ireland weather. I peeked out my window. Ew, no thank you.

I decided to go with a  dark blue superman shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I also grabbed my black coat and my lama hat. I slid on my black boots  as well. Three superman shirt had been a recent Christmas present and so was the Llama hat. I adored them both.

It's far to cold to walk let alone be a school day,I rung up the cab company and they send over the bright red taxi. I love this cab company not only because they have red cabs but they're  cheap. My parents left me a bit of money but not a lot so this was a good thing.  If actually be slightly surprised if I managed to live through this week.

I'm late for class there's probably gonna be no one there either way because the has to be all of this small town roaming the streets at the moment.

You'd swear it was Halloween very one looks like freaking dead people ,  They all walked with a slight limp and were extremely pale. I had barely even noticed we pulled up to my school I throw the cab driver a bill and run inside. There's no one in the halls or office, leaving a desolate and eerie feel to it all. I desperately pushed away the shiver that crawled down many spin and I head to the library. luckily there's some people here only about five of us. I realize Spencer and Taylor were here so I plop down in between them. I'm glad their here at least it would be a disaster and a half without them.

"What's wrong guys you look like you guys are seeing dead people"I say actually kinda concerned I glanced around looking for the thing causing their worry. Dead people would so not be cool.

"Worse," Tay muttered

"What could be wor-" as I follow her gaze I notice it was worse, times ten almost it was Sophia ,Jay and Ty "You're right"I mutter back to her. How are the only the only two teachers that showed up supposed to stop us from fighting. An age long rivalry seemed to hang upon us, as always did between the popular kids and the outcasts

"I'm gonna go get a book" Spencer's voice is cracking bad. Spencer was a fragile boy, only slightly taller then me and Tay and he was delicate, Taylor and I were extremely protective. We had to be. I only nod seeing the pops as we call them walk past us straight to where Spence just went. I stalk behind a tower of books watching as they walk up to Spence and start talking to him. Spence is shorter than all of them which makes him easy target, when Tyler pushes him I run in front of him taking the punch that was meant for him. As soon as I take the blow Tyler's already apologizing "I'm so so sorry babe I didn't see you" I straighten up and it's obvious that my nose is bleeding "Pick on someone your own size and never call me babe" I yell at him '

Like you?" Sophia interrupts, sure I answer in my mind I'd loved to beat up the guy who hurt spence. "Yeah how about that a fight bring it Tyler" I call out with a hiss, he look nervous . Yay point - outcasts "I-I don't w-wanna hu-" I decide to cut him off what you don't wanna hurt that's it, this is going down I raise my fist, it starts colliding with his jaw he stumble back obviously stunned "well come on now hit me" I heard a snarky comment in the background that I choose to ignore.

He tries to hit me but misses as I dodge he hits Spence in the gut fury rises in me as Tay rounds the corner pissed right off just like me as she tackles him as I run to Spencer's aid. I heard a loud snap knowing Taylor was victorious I turn to see a bloody nosed Taylor he broke her nose I'm pretty sure my eyes were turning red again that's what they do when I'm pissed of enough that I could break at least his leg...


----------AUTHORS NOTE---------

Hey guys this is my first book and I hope you like I don't know how much to upload but I know it won't be daily at least I don't think please leave comment rate and follow thanks

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