Chapter 22

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We all rested that night not worrying about anything really. When I woke up Niall had his arms protectively around my waist. I smiled a small smile. I then heard screaming I looked over to Niall again but he wasn't there.

I frantically looked around spotting Niall being attacked by a gutter in the corner. I screamed for everyone to get up but they were all dead or gutters. I let out an ear piercing scream. Lost hope rushed through me I can't lose them I can't. What would I do without Niall and his cute brunette hair and piercing blue eyes?

He has helped me in so many ways. He has helped me get over Blaze and encouraged me to find my family what the hell am I going to do without him?

I quickly hopped out of bed trying to escape when blaze grabbed me.

"Don't you want to be with us?" She asked her flesh rotting and pale.

"No!" I screamed. "No, no, no, no." I finally gave up and sat in a corner and watched as mutilated versions of my loved ones came forth to eat me.


I shot out of bed screaming Niall tightened his grip around me in his sleep.

"Please I need help." I heard a small voice screamed out. I carefully unwrapped Niall's arms from around my waist and moved toward the sound.

What I found was sad, it was a little boy he had a few cuts and bruises but non the less I felt sad and responsible. I slowly approached him.

"Hello?" I asked carefully.

"Hi mam' my name is Alex and I can't find my parents but I think they walk." I knew what he was talking about his parents were gutters.

"Do you have any other relatives?" I crouch down looking the boy in the eyes.

"My sister but we haven't seen her since this all began." There were tears forming in his eyes.

"What was her name we could help you find her." I asked soothingly.

"Her name was Blaze." I froze in spot Blaze was the teenage girl. We had helped her at first but she died.

"Oh it's okay you can stay with us." I said rubbing his back soothingly.

He sniffled wiping his hand across his face. "Okay thank you mam'" He said in a tiny voice. I nodded picking him up. He was surprisingly light and quickly fell asleep on my shoulder.

I carried him back to me and Niall's spot, I set him down in between where I slept and where Niall was sleeping, I quickly crawled in after him.


I woke up to screaming. This time I know I wasn't dreaming.

"Everyone out, get out, its not safe, There's gutters in here." I hear Louis shouting across the Walmart.

"Every one out." I hear Harry scream.

I quickly grab Alex and started shaking Niall trying to get him to wake up.

"Niall wake up!" I screamed. Liam ran by and saw that he wasn't getting up and slang him over his shoulder. I turned back to see Louis and Vanessa were both trying to fight off gutters. Vanessa still holding Ashley. One swing at Louis successor hitting him then pinning him and biting him.

Vanessa fell to her knees and started sobbing. I was about to go help her when a gutter bit her too. Zayn started pushing me, screaming that we needed to get out. Once we got out I was breathing heavily.

I quickly did a head count besides Vanessa and Louis we were missing one person, Harry!


Hey guys I'm sorry my mind has just been just like didnbruhdb lately and I haven't had any inspiration but its back now and I'll probably being updating a lot more. On the brighter side my dads been decent lately actually tried bonding with me once. And also in a boost of confidence I asked out my crush lets say his name is Dan.. Well he rejected me but that's okay..... anyways I love every single you of stay strong and do not murder a hoe thanks bye.

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