Chapter 26

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I stared in disbelief my vision blotting with tears. Everything became blurry and I leant on the wall. suddenly black spots in front of my eyes. I could hear people yelling as the world became a blur and I felt myself hit the floor. I saw blackness I could still hear the voices yelling. I couldn't move it was as if some one was pinning me down putting duck tape over my mouth. I tried desperately to open my eyes scream move anything but I couldn't.

People around me were moving, very fast too. I tried doing anything but I couldn't I heard my name I heard over people's names. I heard so many voices most I know did not belong to the people in the building, no. These voices were deeper darker from a different place, most definitely not the living world. I struggled more now there were so many voices yelling, screaming, and whispering. All sounded so desperate so lost, so confused. I started panicking I wanted to scream so badly. So many voices, Nialls, Taylor's, Spencer's and many more I couldn't identify.

Now I could feel things hands so many hands. They were grabbing at me, they were so cold. I wanted to recoil but I couldn't. Some hands felt human but there so many dead grabbing at me it was impossible to find the humans. So impossible to find hope in the darkness. The were all over me, on my face, my neck, my legs. I wanted to scream out for Niall I wanted him to save me.

Next I smelt I could smell the decay of flesh. The normal smell now a days. The stench was unbearable, it was burning my eyes. I still couldn't move but I felt like I was being moved. Closer to something I didn't know what, but it was draining my energy and, I think my health? I could slowly feel myself wasting away into nothing.

Next was sight and this one was the worst yet. So many dead all around me grabbing at me. This was nothing like the gutters. They were all smiling me pushing me towards a dark light and I slowly looked around still not being able to move. I could feel all of their dead eyes on me as if pressuring me towards the darkness.

Than came movement I started moving in the opposite direction of the dark, but they wouldn't let me they kept shoving me back as if I was a rag doll. I kept jumping at them trying to not go forwards the darkness. Eventually I collapsed from the weariness. I couldn't fight it anymore I walked towards the dark light all of the dead had their cold eyes on me.

I than suddenly heard something calling from the opposite direction of the darkness. "Katharina," I heard Niall call. I turned quickly all the things surrounding me taken by surprise. I ran towards the voice an now the figures weren't moving. I desperately tried getting through them pushing them anything. I finally got through them and ran suddenly collapsing

I opened my eyes, surrounding me were worried faces. I had just fought off death.

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