Chapter 28

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I don't know why I had almost just died. Maybe I smacked my head off of something on my way down or maybe I inhaled the wrong chemical and that's why I was going down in the first place. Whatever it was I'm alive now and is that no what counts? Unless I'm brutally mistaking which happens much more then it should.

I take a deep breath in swinging my legs over the side of the bed gently setting my now bare feet on the ground. I slowly shifted my weight down onto them as Niall came up to me enveloping my in his arms. I winced slightly as my head had still hurt from the injury.
I set my head on the crook of his neck in the hug. My friends sat there staring at me expectingly but I had bare time to open my mouth when the guy that had greeted us burst in the door panting.. "Scavengers, they've attacked. We need all able bodied fighting."

I instantly pushed Niall out of my way willing to fight I spoke with firmness in my voice."Ill be going." I say. Niall grabs at my wrists but I shake him off walking away. I quickly walked into another random room. I was shuffling through the drawers looking for some clothing when another girl walked in. I took some clothes from the drawers and watched the girl who had her dark blue eyes locked on me.
I instantly stripped down my almost nudity barely bugging me anymore as I had experienced enough to know it barely mattered. After slipping on the clothing I walked out of the room. The girl stared after me as I walked back to the room I was in everyone looking at me as if I were crazy. Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. I was not often described as sane though.
I quickly walked back into the room feeling fresh an ready to fight."Niall can't fight." I say blankly, Wow I was blunt. The man looked up at me a brow raised.

"And why's that Miss Rivers?" He asks with caution as I looked to Niall. I took his hand in mine twisting it slightly do it'd sprang but not break.
"Because he has a sprung wrist." he winces greatly as I did so. I held up his hand to show the man.

He would raise one of her bushy eyebrows, "Well, I didn't notice the before, but we can't have injured out on the field. " Niall would glare down at me, letting loose a low growl.

I smiled up at him sweetly, batting my thick eyelashes,"You'll thank me later, " I whispered low enough that only me and him would here, I didn't want him out on the battle front, out there he could get quite a bit more them just a slung wrist. "Does this mean I may go fight?" I asked sweetly, well it really wasn't a question, I would be going no matter what those damn fools said. I'm not stubborn at all.

Sorry it's short, I've been procrastinating far to long,

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