Chapter 21

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"W-what?" I stutter out. Princess looks up at him confused.

"Yes he still loves you do you know how long it took for him to actually openly talk to one of us?" Zayn snapped at me harshly as if it was my fault.

"Look not my fault Zayn not like I planned to get kidnapped.." He snorted and I followed him back Princess not far behind me. We ran back up the cliff and when I walked up everyone was glaring at Kailley.

Before she knew what was happening I picked her by her collar of Kailley shirt slamming her against the wall of the cave.

"Such a shame the gutters didn't eat you first, but then again the stereotypically zombie eats brains I guess they avoided you because you didn't have any." I slammed her head against the wall hard enough to hurt but not to kill.

"I could kill you right now did ya know that slut?" I kicked her in the shin she screamed in pain.

"Beat your skull in with a rock slit your throat, cut you til you run out of blood." I kicked her kneecap breaking it. She screamed in agony.

"But you know what your not worth my time just the next meal for the Gutters." I dropped her and everyone looked at me surprised.

"There's a Walmart about a mile or two north of here let's go with your group we can make it by sunup the Walmart's barely been looted too." I say walking slowly down a slope on the cliff.

Everyone slowly followed and we started walking me and Niall at the front. "I'm sorry babe I overreacted and actually thought you fell for someone else." I said blushing looking down at the ground.

"I had no idea you were capable of that." He admitted grabbing my hand in a gentle hand-hold. I blushed even harder.

"I guess I just snapped." I shrugged. "It happened once before in grade 3 I snapped on some guy who dumped Tay and tried hitting on me." He just smiled I'm not sure if it was because I hurt a guy or I didn't flirt with him.

"I guess I only snap every once and awhile I'm really protective especially since I can't get a hold of my family and I don't know if they are alive or dead." I said watching are hand swing back and forth.

We were almost there when Niall talked again. "We should go find them soon." He said to me. I looked up at him trying o figure out if he was joking or not.

"We do not have enough supplies." I stated.

"You lived for to years with barely no supplies we can do it. " He said grabbing both my hands and holding them up.

"And what about everybody else families Niall it's not all about me what about yours? Tays? Spences?" I argue angrily.

His gaze noticeably softened. "In the two years you were gone we all found our families and guess what Kat they were all dead. Your family is our last hope."

I sighed heavily. "Tonight we rest at Walmart tomorrow we head out. But if anything happens we stay." I scold him. "Understood?" He quickly nodded.


Guys I know I am not posting enough lately but seriously lately has been really stressful Lately I have had to take so many freaking tests prepare for exams hand in a truck load of assignments the teachers think are necessary sort out my feelings for A guy I like and had to bury my grandmas ashes... all well still trying to keep up with updating three books.... And guys I feel like no ones supporting this book please please please comment and vote this is serious because If I am losing fans I might have to delete this book....

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