Chapter 17

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I hate these dreams. I kept thinking about how much i hate those false hope dreams. Whatever I could do this. I look around I wasn't on the floor of the forest but I was in a cave, it was the cave from my dream. I truly am going insane.I need a friend I look over at a chipmunk that was sitting in my cave.

'Will you be my friend little chipmunk?" I ask he scurried over to me jumping on my lap. I pinch his cheeks with delight.

"Yay I have a friend." I shouted. I heard a chuckle from somewhere, mind your going insane.

"You are Jeff I shall call you Jeff and you will be my Jeff." I sat petting it with delight. I heard that same chuckle from somewhere in the cave.

"Jeff you learned how to chuckle?" I ask the chipmunk. I heard a rustle behind me and Jeff sped off of my lap scurrying over to the edge of the cave and climbing of the cliff. Well there goes my only friend.

"Jeff you were my best friend." I shout after the tiny rodent. I heard that chuckle and a rustle behind me again. I felt someone staring at me but it was more than one person. I spun around grabbing the person and holding a knife to his throat and facing the others.

"Well, it's nice to see you too love." Said an oddly familiar Irish accent. Niall no no it's not I drop him making his face collide with the cobblestone floors. I stare at him in aww is this another false hope dream. I look at every one else all in tattered clothes and extremely scrawny looking. I run to Tay hugging her I missed her I then run to pick Niall up off the floor when he gets up I smash my lips into his.

"i missed you." I mumbled  the kiss. God how i missed him. "I thought you were dead." I say backing out of the kiss to gaze his eyes are slightly dull but there's a small spark I know i put there.

"Kat." He said his voice filled with emotion. "Niall" I said in pretty much the same tone.

I rest my forehead on his staring into his gorgeous eyes oh how I missed these eyes.

"Okay love birds how bout some love for the best friend." That was Spence oh how much I missed my bestie. I jump up into his arms rapping my legs around his waist and throwing my arms around his neck an burying my head in his chest. Everyone was smiling I had brought happiness back in there eyes. I turn towards the boys giving them all long hugs.

Until I got to Luois he whispered something in my ear that I will never forget. "He tried to kill himself without you." 


Hey guys thinking of making a trailer for this book with a couple of my besties and yeah were gonna have a lot of fun with this

jeff on the side

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