Chapter 23

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I am really bad for losing people. Apparently Harry's still in there somewhere. I hand off Alex to Zayn and run back in. I looked around but I didn't see Louis Vanessa or Ashely but Harry was huddled in the corner crying his eyes out silently. I started running over to him.

I brought out my knife stabbing gutters as I went by. I shuffled through the clothes in the kids section trying to run over to Harry. I was brought down by a gutter and fell to the floor. The gutter got on top of me trying bite my face and I struggled trying to push him off.

His face kept inching closer an closer and my arms were struggling to keep him off of me. When he was a barely a few inches from my face a bullet went through his head splattering the kids clothes next to us with blood. I looked over to see Liam leant over puking with a gun in his hands by the door.

He never really was the kill or be killed kinda guy. (Anyone Get the Reference?) I quickly got up trying to run back to Harry. While I was running I noticed a few gutters behind me ad pushed a huge vacuum off the shelve trying to slow them down.

Once I got to Harry he was wounded badly it looked like he sprained a ankle and had little cuts and bruises all over his body. "Harry you should by now not to be the hero you idiot." I pretty much scream at him.

"I had to try Kat what was I supposed to do?" He asked anger flaring in his bright green eyes.

"You were supposed to make it out uninsured, that's what you were supposed to do." I angrily tell him.

"Whatever lets just get out of here." He mumbles in defeat.

"Sounds great." I mumble back. He just sat there. "Well you put you arm around my shoulder." I say very annoyed.

He reluctantly put his arm around my shoulder. We started painfully trying to get him up. He wasn't exactly light either. Once we were up we took a quick look around there was no easy way to escape especially with him a cripple..

I pulled a lawn chair up to the side of the rack and motioned for him to try and climb up on his own. He managed to get up and was now on the top of the shelve. I quickly followed and we slowly made our way across about half of the store until there were no more connecting shelves. I motioned for him to climb down and he painfully did so.

I quickly jumped down after him letting him put his arm back around me. He suddenly grunted in pain and every Gutter head turned towards us. I quickly started running towards the exit trying to keep Harry in tow.

Half way there something hit me over the side of the head. I practically threw Harry forward and watched as everyone drug him out off the store. I toppled over from the hit and watched them as my vision slowly started fading.

Hey guys imma try and update but this week I might not be able to that much because I have exams the most evil thing ever... Anyways enough about me I love you all an goods bye...



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