Chapter 18

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  • Dedicated to My husband Niall Horan

I can't believe he tried killing himself all because I was gone.

Louis started laughing how is this funny. "I was kidding kitty." That is so not something you kid about especially to someone who has been alone these past two years. I hug everyone again until I get to Niall again I kiss him again oh god how I missed him.Then two people who both looked oddly familiar walked out of the shadows.

As they stepped more into the light I noticed it was Vanessa and a little girl who looked no older then one.

"Vanessa?" I asked her carefully. She nodded her head me and her used to be good friends but then she moved away and I haven't seen her since a year before the Gutters (as they are commonly called.) had risen. "Who's the baby daddy." I ask her a little too playfully. The baby had her hair colour but greenish blue eyes that I know aren't hers.

"Louis." She said walking over to Louis who wrapped a arm around her waist. Aww that is so adorable.

"I ship Lenessa." I said. Smirking. She quickly returns the smirk.

"And I ship Nat." Well said Vanessa well said.

I playfully glare at her. It's been a long time since I've done any thing like this I'm surprised I remember how to talk.I can't even remember the last time I smiled, well this is depressing. Extremely so. Just fuck off Athena I am happy so just fuck off. 

"So whats her name?" I ask Vanessa. She turns looking at me a smile spread across her face.

"Her name is Ashley, we were actually celebrating her first birthday until you showed up I guess you're her birth day present. Wanna hold her?" She explained handing her off to me. I nodded taking the baby in my hand she's adorable.

I bounced her up and down. Suddenly remembering something I hand her off to Louis. I run over to my backpack pulling out an old tattered white bear it was small but priceless. Since I don't use it anymore I think Ashley could you use it more than I. I walk over to Louis tattered bear in hands and hand it to Ashley. She gives out a small babyish giggle. She holds it close to her chest burying her head in it's fluffiness.

She giggle again as Louis holds her closer and she turns her head into his chest. He mouths a 'thank you' and walks back to Vanessa. Well this is awesome we have our own little family going on. I kinda want to start a family with Niall but I'm not sure I'm ready but will I ever be ready? I wanted to adopt before the gutters rose but I don't think that's an option anymore. 

I am I ready to do the nasty with Niall though I don't think so I wanted to stay a virgin but I also never thought I'd find love. Did I even find love? I'm not sure.

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