Chapter 25

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After Spencer and Taylor left I rolled out of bed landing on the floor. I slowly got up my feet were numb and I felt like I was going to fall down, again. I just I couldn't believe they were dead. Skunk boy and buzz cut I'm not going to lie I'm going to miss them like hell. I stumbled to the hall which was filled with doors and high up windows which made me think we were in a basement. I could hear people yelling orders at each other and I walked towards that door slowly. I peeked open the doors curiously I saw Spence, Niall and The guy who explained this all to me yelling at each other about some car crash.

"What the flying furry fudge is going on?" I ask walking dramatically in still in a loose gown.

"Well we got a car crash when some of our people were battling a few of the Scavengers. The one died the other is alive but has a broken arm he actually requested you, but we didn't know if you knew him." Said Spencer looking at the ground while Taylor smirked.

"What's the survivors name?" I ask searching the room for some decent clothing.

"He said his name was Cole but for all we know he could be working for the Scavengers." Said Taylor fear crossing her eyes.

"Take me to him." I commanded dropping the clothing I had in my hand. You could tell Taylor was about to object but I shushed her. "Just take me too him." I commented quietly. She nodded softly and swept out into the hallway. I quickly followed the thin dress almost ripping as I walked quickly after her. I followed her throughout the winding hallways looking for my childhood friend.

I desperately wanted to find him, for the fear of who was with him. I watched as she stopped in front of a door labeled, C117. I quickly pushed open the door Cole laying on the bed, his arm in a plain white cast. I quickly rushed to his bedside trying to wake him. I shook his good shoulder harshly in my attempt to wake him from his sleep.

Taylor began to talk, but Niall who had followed us the whole way there shushed her as Coles dull green eyes fluttered open. I smiled and let out a squeak of happiness. I quickly begun to integrate him on what happened. "Cole, who was with you? What happened? Are you okay,' I gushed out. He looked around looking a little confused as to what was going on but I don't blame him.

He suddenly sat up wincing at the pain. "Where's Teagen?" He asked looking around for him frowning when he didn't see him. I could feel my tears welling up in my eyes as I realized what was going on. My hearts speed began to pick up in worry as Cole continued frantically searching around the room for my cousin. My cousin had been with him and now my cousin among the many, was dead.


Okay so I went to camp and I am now going to list the cons of the trip in my book and comment if you want the pros.

1. Some girl said someone stole her iPod but she actually lost it but this resulted in us losing 2 hours of swim time.

2. This girl, a different one, Cut up some over girls shirt claiming it was her own.

3. One girl told another girl to kill herself.

4. Some girl was crushing on the guy I had befriended during drama yet she had a boyfriend

5. One girl took a girls bathing suit and peed on it.


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