Chapter 19

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I'm not ready not for pregnancy no it's just not happening but do I love Niall. Of course it's hard to say you love someone when they could be taken away from you at any moment.

"Nialler!' A high pitched annoying voice called. Everyone's face turned grave especially Niall's, what was going on.

A girl climbed over the cliff curly brown hair crystal blue eyes very pretty but so annoying so ducking annoying. "Who's this babe?" She asked walking up to Niall kissing him on the cheek. Fury rose in me.

I forced on a smile. I reach out to shake her hand. "Kat." I put venom into my voice.

"Oh the Kat that was kidnapped and Niall never loved." The corner of my mouth twitched like it always does when I'm furious. "Well I'm Kalley." She shakes my hand.

"Always a pleasure to meet a girlfriend of Niall's, Kaity." I said with an extremely forced smile.

"It's Kailley." She said her mouth twisted up in an innocent smile.

"Whatever floats your goat." I say glaring at her.

"We'll lovely seeing you guys again I hope you the safest of travel but the Lone wanderer is out." I say running to the edge of the cliff.

"Wait your the lone wanderer?" Kailley asked. "The lone wanderer who's saved so many but has been betrayed so much the one who been through love and loss heartbreak and sorrow who was said to be kidnapped from her fiancé and friends who's watched a teenager die who's taken more then enough bullets for an army the one who'd been rumoured to love no one but her fiancé?" She asks in a ramble.

"The one and only, and just saying the one who's hand you're holding is my fiancé." And with that I leapt of the cliff.

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