Chapter 12

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~~~~~Tay Tays POV~~~~~

Oh god she's back again god dammit she was doing so good she was almost gone this is his fault his fault I might be letting my anger talk for me but I don't care I hate seeing her like this I know she's not insane because insane people don't question their own sanity which she does a lot.

"YOU!" I screamed at the blond boy who I think his name was Naill "THIS IS YOUR FAULT SHE WAS DOING GOOD GOD OH GOD WHAT IF SHES CUTTING AGAIN GOD DAMNIT NAILL YOU BROUGHT HER BACK" my words were dripping with venom.

"WHATS GOING ON??" Harry demanded more than asked.

"I can't tell you Naill maybe just cause he's the cause but only Naill spence you already know and blaze she'll probably tell you later on the rest of you scram NAILL STAY" demand everyone shuffles out, I sit on her bed while explaining the story to him.

~~~~~FLASH BACK~~~~~

"KAT KAT KAT KAT WHATS HAPPENING KAT EXPLAIN TO ME" I was panicking she suddenly shot straight up from where she was rolling on the ground shrieking her eyes looking hollow and the browns of her eyes a clearish blue and she started to explain herself.

"Taylor I have this person stuck in my head practically my self conscience but she repeats insults to me over and over only ones that I have heard people say about me but she repeats them over and over and I can't take it sometimes it usually only happens after break ups and during relationships or even if I like a guy it brings her out."

'Who's her? " I asked gently

"Athena" she replies.


I had explained the whole flash back to him and his jaw dropped his ocean blue eyes had turned a light crystal blue and he looked quite panicky.

"Wh-Wh-where w-would she be-be?" he asked stuttering the only place she could go was her save haven she told absolutely no one but me and Spence about it I think I remember where it is.

I take him there it's all for her it's all for her I think repeatedly let's hope she doesn't kill me for telling someone about her hideout in between the walls as we reach locker 184 I sighed opened up the panel seeing the bright red bean bag and Kat sitting there balled up and crying.

Maybe I shouldn't have told Naill I thought to myself oh well to little to late.


The only fucking reason I uploaded this is because my bestie decided hey let's wake Kat from her sleep to make her write another chapter on the zombie apocalypse book yeah she's not gonna be pissy

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