Chapter 24

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My eyes open and I see people running around me frantically screaming silent screams. I couldn't hear anything and I was in a white room everyone was wearing white besides Taylor She sat there in a mucked out band T-Shirt and skinny jeans. She was holding my hand sobbing but no sound came out.

One of the people in white put something over my mouth but I was too weak to fight it. Before the gas leaked through the mask they put on my face I gave Taylor's hand a reassuring squeeze trying to calm her down. Finally my eyes starting drooping and I slowly passed out the people in white still running around screaming at each other.


I woke later screaming for no reason in particular besides the fact I had no idea where I was or where anyone else is. At the sound of my scream the people in white rushed back in pulling wires from my arms. I screamed in fear I had always had a fear of needles and here they were pulling huge ones out of my arms without anyone there to comfort me or tell me everything was alright.

I got a sudden rush of homesickness I missed my parents. Even though my dad was harsh at times I loved him and missed him like hell. I even missed my little brother. Being the little brat he was I never expected to miss him. I kept screaming kicking throwing my arms around reminding me of when I was Eight and had my irate surgery. I remember squeezing onto my moms hand for dear life as they knocked me out,

Suddenly Spence and Tay ran into the room coming to calm me down. Spence Grabbed one of my hands while Taylor grabbed the other both smiling at me. I slowly stopped screaming and kicking and looked back and forth between them. I slowed down my breathing so it would calm me down. I inhaled than exhaled, Inhale, exhale. Eventually the needles were out of my sight and my heart beat returned to normal.

I slowly sat up looking around I was in a hospital room. Operating tools littered around the room. I looked down I had stitching on my stomach, arm and a few in the inside of my thigh.

"What happened?" I asked weakly.

"We were caught in between war these people called The Survivors, and another group called The Scavengers." Taylor explained squeezing my hand roughly.

"And how the hell did I get all of these stitches?" I ask angrily.

"The Scavengers were going to take you captive like they did with Louis, Vanessa and Ashely."

"But they are all okay right?" I ask worriedly.

"We think so but we're not sure." Spencer says almost angrily.

"Everyone made it out alive right?" I ask curiosity filling me.

"Liam and Zayn got caught in crossfire and both died." I almost faint I don't think I can take anymore deaths.


So this chapter was done on a road trip because I'm not lowing most of my books were created during road trips anyways. There will probably be a ton of road trips this summer even though I'm grounded for the whole summer so but yeah I gotta get back to cleaning my room out of my own free will bye oh and remember too...,





Surviving( A one Direction Zombie Fan fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu