Chapter Six: Lost For Words

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Beyond your tunnel vision reality fades
Like shadows into the night

I rested my head on Castiel’s shoulder as he drove on the empty roads. I looked up at the dark sky and at the speckling of stars emanating against the blanket of darkness. Quiet nights like this one were ones I loved, and ones that were difficult to come by. A soft sigh escaped my lips as Castiel slowed to a stop at a red light.

“What? Are you tired already? I could take you home if you want.” He said, looking down at me.

“No, no, I’m not tired at all… just…” I shrugged. “Content, I guess.”



Castiel snorted. “Whatever.” The red light changed to green and the bike began to accelerate again.

“Where are we even going?” I inquired. It looked like he was headed back towards school.

“Nowhere special. I just want to show you something… and introduce you to someone, I guess.”

Introduce me to someone? Like who? His girlfriend maybe? Wait, wait… before I got ahead of myself, Castiel did say that he didn’t have a girlfriend… so maybe it was his prospective girlfriend? I really needed to stop obsessing over whether he was in a relationship, or not. Obsessing over anything can’t be healthy…

I became lost in my thoughts and failed to realise that I wasn’t in motion anymore. I looked around at my surroundings as Castiel hoisted himself off the bike. We were back at school.

“Castiel, why are we—”

“You’ll see.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me around to wherever he was headed. He rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a ring of keys. My eyes widened.

“Are those—”

“Just shut up for a second.” He took a key and unlocked a side door of the school.
As I suspected, those were the keys to the school. I followed as he led me through the darkened corridors. This place was pretty creepy at night…

We stopped in front of door with a sign that read “entry is strictly prohibited”. Huh, I wondered where that door led. I didn’t have to ponder on it for too long, as Castiel flipped to another key on the ring. The door opened with a loud creak, and I squinted my eyes in the darkness to make out a set of stairs going up.

Castiel kept his firm grip on my arm as we ascended the stairs. When we reached the top, there was another door, but it was unlocked. He twisted the knob and pushed open the heavy door.

“We’re here.” He glanced at me and winked.

I shook my head in confusion. “I don’t understand… where is here?”

He sighed and pushed me out the door. I gasped at the sudden chilly air resonating around me, and took in my surroundings. We were outside again—on the roof. I walked over to the edge. I could see the entire city from here! The twinkling lights from the building began to blend with the shining stars in the sky.

“Wow,” I whispered, my breath came out in white clouds. I turned to Castiel with a wide grin.

“This is amazing, Castiel! What a view!” I let out a laugh. I felt like I was on top of the world, it was exhilarating, really.

Castiel walked over to where I stood, and leaned against the railing around the edge. “It’s pretty great, huh?” He turned to me and… smiled. For a moment, I thought it was because of the darkness, and I was seeing things, but no—a genuine smile without the sly comments and sarcasm. It was different, it was interesting, it was quite pleasant, actually. I’d never seen Castiel smile like that, and I knew it from then that it was a rare occurrence.

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