Chapter Thirty: Better Things

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Here's hoping all the days ahead

Won't be as bitter as the ones behind you.

Be an optimist instead,

And somehow happiness will find you.

Forget what happened yesterday,

I know that better things are on the way

If there was one thing that I mocked—and yet, suffered greatly with—it would be irrational fear.

Fear of the unknown. What was going to happen in the future? What if something went wrong? What

if this… what if that…

It was never ending. 

The passage of time is an odd concept. It seemed like everyone spent the present either reminiscing about the past, or worrying about the future. I always tried to focus on what was happening in the present, rather than dwelling on what could happen. It was never easy for me, and I often felt my thoughts slipping to places that they shouldn’t have…

It’s human nature, I guess. But it’s kind of ridiculous if you think about it. Fearing the unknown—the future—is like being afraid of something that doesn’t exist. And aren’t the people who are afraid of things that don’t exist, the same people we lock away and classify as insane?

Well, all I knew was that I had no idea what to anticipate after this ‘plan’ had taken place. I didn’t know if William would let me go and drop everything. I didn’t know what would happen if he didn’t. I didn’t know where to go after.

Really, I just had no idea what to do after all this drama ended. Or if it didn’t end. Who knew what the future would bring?

But you know what?

I didn’t care anymore.

I wanted to go through with the plan—risky as it was—and see it to the end. And some silly fears weren’t about to stop me. The outcome of the plot would affect many people, not just myself. Whether it fell through or not, I owed it to the people who cared and supported me to do something. More than them, I owed it to myself.

I was bigger than my problems, and would overcome them despite any obstacle.

My resolve had been weak in the past, but now, it had become rock solid. Maybe I wouldn’t succeed, but nothing was going to stop me from trying.


The day of destiny had finally arrived.

…Okay, that might have been just slightly dramatic. Though, it was an important day. The

action was about to begin.

But before any of that could start, I needed to make my final trip to the club. At least, I’d hoped it would be my final trip.   

It was Friday at last, and if luck was on my side, the plan was about to come into fruition. Nathaniel, Castiel, and I had been on edge for the past couple of days, and today, the mixed feelings of excitement and anxiety were thick in the air.

To be honest, the idea of involving them both didn’t sit well with me, but they wouldn’t heed to any of my warnings. Like me, they would see it to the end. Surprisingly, they seemed to have been getting along pretty well while we worked on our scheme. I wasn’t sure if they had really gotten past their differences, or were merely faking it in front of me. Either way, it was nice to not have the two constantly at each other’s throats—even if it was only temporary.

The school day had ended, and it was time to head back to the club… I wondered if anyone had missed me at all… it had been a couple of days since I’d gone there.

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