Chapter Fifteen: Just Breathe

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Did I say that I need you?

Did I say that I want you?

Oh, if I didn't I'm a fool you see

No one knows this more than me

As stereotypical it may sound, the moment Castiel’s lips made contact with mine… it felt like fireworks were bursting around me and within me.

His lips were rough, yet soothing; uncertain, but experienced. Everything I felt with him was a contradiction of itself.

I couldn’t think straight. All I could focus on was that moment right then. There was only Castiel and myself. Everything and everyone else seemed distant and insignificant.

The fact that there was a person in this world who could make me feel that way was both frightening and exciting.

It was amazing.

I wished that time could have stopped right then and there, because I really wanted to be stuck in that moment forever.

But of course, a few moments later, Castiel pulled away. I opened my eyes to see his smirking face. By that point, I was sure that I was some unimaginable shade of red.

“Geez, Des, you don’t have to look so embarrassed. You’d think you never kissed a person before.” He said teasingly.

I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms over my chest. “Oh, I’ve kissed a guy or two. What about you…”

I couldn’t stop the grin from forming. “You have a lady-killer reputation, but that little speech of yours… that was so corny and sweet, it nearly gave me a toothache.” I stifled a laugh. “Didn’t think you had that in you.”

“Guess I’m just full of surprises.” Castiel rolled his eyes, his playful smirk replaced with a defensive scowl.

“I’ll bet.”

“Just shut up.” He murmured before leaning down again for another kiss. I smiled against his lips. The kiss was gentle and sweet. Well, those were two words I’d never thought I would affiliate with Castiel, but I wasn’t complaining. Far from it.

One of his hands softly caressed my face, while the other rest firmly on my waist.

My smile remained even as he slowly pulled away and broke the kiss. I kind of hoped Amber was seeing this. She would probably have exploded with anger…

In the midst of my joy, a flash of gold caught my eye. No… not just gold, but silver as well. This couldn’t be happening. Not tonight. Not ever.

And yet… my eyes weren’t deceiving me. This really was happening. I could feel the colour drain from my face, and my throat went dry.

I was never one to believe in ‘fate’, but sometimes it just seemed like the world was out to get me.

Well, that flash of gold was nothing I hadn’t seen before. Actually, I’d seen it many times. More times than I’d like to have, really.

Seeing it at the dance, at that point, made me realise how small of a world it really was.

That flash of gold and silver? It was none other than the luxuriant hair of Mr. William Dubois, one of the wealthier and well known men of Sweet Amoris. He was a fairly powerful lawyer in these parts. One had to wonder what such a prominent person was doing at a school dance. Well, obviously he appeared to be chaperoning… but why?

A horrific realisation dawned on me: He was the father of one, or possibly more, of these students.

Oh, but I’ve forgotten to mention something… William was a regular at the club. How this man has been covering his tracks is a mystery to me, but that wasn’t my issue. No, he was a regular… and who was his favourite girl?

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