Chapter Seventeen: Heart-Shaped Box

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I’ve been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks

I’ve been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap

Christmas. A time for joy, love, and togetherness. A time for creating special memories and being with family. The religious aspect of the holiday had waned somewhat over the past couple of decades. People from all over the world of all races, religions, and ethnicities began to incorporate the holiday into their lives, seeing it as a time for miracles and rejoicing with loved ones.

Seems like a lovely time. Everyone came together and basked in the spirit of the holiday.

Well… almost everyone.

It’s easy to forget that not every person in the world had family to go to. That there were many individuals, lost and alone, who couldn’t understand the joy ‘normal’ people felt.

This time of the year either made a person mirthful or miserable. It was as simple as that.

Me? I never thought I fell into any of those categories. I always felt indifferent… though there were times when my guard was down, and listening to my peers chatter gleefully about their plans and what they’d given and received… sometimes I’d feel a painful tug at my heart. It was a dull ache that I ignored most of the time, but it existed.

I couldn’t imagine why. I’d tell myself I didn’t need presents from anyone, because the greatest gifts were the ones that were worked hard for and well- earned—right? It lessoned the pain. The pain of being alone in a big world.

I realised, when I started working at the club, that I wasn’t the only one who felt this way. Indeed, it seemed like Bordello Bacio was at its busiest during the holiday season.

I mean, a lonely guy’s got to go somewhere for some comfort and attention. Where better to go than someplace where you can get all the love and attention with no strings attached? For a certain cost of course…

It was a horrid exchange, but at least it let some of those lonely people feel a little happiness. Even if it was false joy.


Gazing into the mirror, I sighed resignedly as I looked myself over. Not only were the eyes of the girl in the mirror empty, but dulled and tired. This job was a trying one, that was certain. Christmas had just passed, and the days that fell in between then and New Years’ were the busiest.

I heard a knock at my door. “Y’done in there, Hun? Vince is looking for you.” Kitty spoke from beyond the door.

Of course he was looking for me. “Yeah, I’ll be out in a sec.” I replied.

“Okay, Sweetie!”

I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to let Vince take advantage of me like this. I lingered for a few more moments, still staring at the girl in the mirror.

How could she let this happen to herself? I gazed pityingly at the mirror. ‘How I could I let this happen to myself?’

With one last dejected sigh, I got up, left the room, and made my way downstairs.

I spotted Vince’s stupid curly head and made my way over to him. Him and his favourite accessories: a girl on each arm. What a tool.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. “Vince? You called me for something?”

Vince grinned at me. “Ah, Didi, looking as ravishing as always, I see.” He winked and I supressed the urge to shudder. He was a creep. Albeit, he never actually made any serious advances towards me, which I was thankful for. “It’s nothing, but I thought you’d like to know that Mr. William Dubois is here.” He glanced at me pointedly. “Actually, he asked about you. He’s been coming around here quite often, no? You’d think a person as busy as him would have better things to do.”

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