Chapter Twenty-Five: The Crystal Ship, Part Two

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Oh tell me where your freedom lies

The streets are fields that never die

Deliver me from reasons why

You'd rather cry, I'd rather fly

The next day, I sullenly walked into school, trying to avoid the public eye. No doubt that there were rumours swirling around, polluting the air. But they were only rumours, and they could only do damage if I let them.

“Desirée! Hey, Desirée!"

I turned around to find Melody and Violette approaching me.

“Are you alright?"  Violette asked, concern written on her face.

“We’re really worried about you, Desirée. What’s going on?"  Melody added, slightly wary. I shot her an apologetic glance; I had been none too kind the other day.

“A ton of things."  I sighed. Just as I was about to elaborate, the bell rang. “I’ll talk to you guys at lunch?"

They both nodded in agreement. Knots began twisting inside my stomach as I made my way to class. My friends knew something was up, and they wouldn’t give up until I gave them something. Maybe I couldn’t tell the whole truth, but I needed to explain myself. It wasn’t fair to them if I kept deceiving them. They showed me what real friends were like, and I had to return the favour of being an honest friend to them as well.

Still, it wouldn’t be easy.


“It’s… it’s really complicated. I don’t quite know how to begin."

“I… we all care for you. I know for myself that you are one of my best friends, and if there was anything you were having problems with, I’d want to help."

“She’s my best friend too, Iris!"

“And mine…"

I blushed, feeling deeply humbled. I’d no idea how strongly these girls had felt about me. Of course I reciprocated the feelings, but I certainly did not deserve their affections.

“Thanks guys, that means a lot to me." I smiled, awkwardly fidgeting with my fingers.

“So, what’s bothering you?"  Iris placed an arm across my shoulders. Melody and Violette eyed me intently from across our isolate table.

I shrugged slightly. “Different things. For starters: Amber. I don’t understand why she’s targeting me like this. It’s like it’s her life’s goal to make me miserable." I slumped in my seat. “And it’s working." I mumbled to myself.

“She’s mean, and takes advantage of anyone she can find… but it does seem like she’s especially after you." Violette agreed. She shifted uncomfortably. “I thought it was because Castiel liked you, but he’s dating her now…?"

“Violette, that is yesterday’s news. They broke up!" Iris exclaimed. “Which was sudden, and kind of sketchy to be honest."

“Yes, I’m also curious about that," Melody glanced at me thoughtfully.

I chuckled nervously. “About that… long story short, Castiel didn’t actually like her, and now we’re together… kind of."

“Kind of." Iris repeated.

“…it really is a long story."

“Well, I look forward to hearing it when we have more time." She teased.

Melody frowned at her. “That’s not important right now. Desirée, you should know that Amber has been spreading horrible rumours about you."

“Well, that’s terrific." I scoffed. “I haven’t really heard what they’ve been about, though. What’s she been saying?"

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