Chapter Ten: Doll Parts

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I fake it so real, I am beyond fake

Someday you will ache like I ache

The strangest dreams plagued my sleep. Vince had grown devil horns and was chasing after me… and then I fell, and was falling and falling Then Castiel appeared in black armour with a horse that sounded suspiciously like a motorcycle… caught me… and kissed me.

Wait, what? My eyes snapped open. What a strange dream that was. I yawned and noted the ache in my back. My bed seemed more uncomfortable than usual…

I glanced around at my surroundings in alarm. This wasn’t my room. Had I forgotten and fallen asleep at a client’s home? Vince had warned me about that…

But I didn’t remember going home with any one… The last thing I remembered was  being at school… flashing the student body my panties… ugh. And then what? Darkness…

“Ah, you’re awake.” A female voice sounded. It was the school nurse. Why… I was so confused.

“W-what happened?” I asked weakly.

“You fainted. Exhaustion, it seems. Your blood pressure and sugar levels are a tad lower than what’s considered normal.” She gave me a sympathetic look. “I know that when you’re at that age, it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself, but you really shouldn’t make a habit out of these destructive behaviours.” Her face became serious. “You may not realise this, but getting enough sleep and eating proper meals goes a long way.”

Destructive behaviours…? “Bringing myself to the point of exhaustion definitely wasn’t intentional. I’ve just been… busy lately and under a lot of stress lately, so I must have become careless.” I feigned an indifferent shrug.

“If there are any problems bothering you, I recommend talking to someone about it. Even here, the counselors and admin are on your side and ready to help you in any way possible.”

I forced an appreciative smile. “Yes, I know.” The last thing I was going to do was blab about my life to someone with authority. That wouldn’t have helped at all… “Um… can I leave?”

“Well, yes… you should take it easy for a while and try to get in some extra rest. Don’t exert yourself. You’re not in the danger zone right now… but next time, you might not be so lucky. You don’t want to end up going to the hospital. Though, maybe you’d want to get a few tests done to make sure everything’s normal.” The nurse chuckled. “Though, that boy sure thought you needed to go the hospital. My goodness, was he ever concerned!”

I sat up and frowned in confusion. “Boy?”

“Yes, Castiel! He brought you in, creating a commotion as though you were dying! He demanded to stay by your side. I had to shoo him off to class.” She shook her head. “I don’t know how you did it Miss Desirée, but that troublemaker Castiel seems to hold you in great importance.” She raised an eyebrow.

I felt my cheeks burn slightly. Was he really concerned? It was hard to imagine… that even someone as crass as Castiel could feel something akin to concern. I assumed the nurse was just exaggerating. She had to be… but, even so… “Castiel was here?” I blushed in embarrassment when I suddenly remembered that I had pretty much collapsed into him, meaning he’d had to have carried me all the way here. “He was probably more annoyed than anything.” I muttered.

“Oh really?”

I snapped my head towards the doorway to find none other than Castiel standing there, smirk and all.

He made his way over to me, mischief dancing in his eyes. I glanced at him warily, both exhausted and embarrassed. How could I have displayed such a scene of weakness? It was stupid, I was stupid. And weak. Our eyes met, and his gaze softened.

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