Chapter Twenty-Four: Nothing Is Real, Part One

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You know how I feel because it's just you and me

Something I need to call my own

The problem with telling white lies to avoid possible obstacles or consequences is that at some point, they come back to you. With full force.

It was a sort of boomerang effect, I suppose. Except the ‘coming back’ part is usually a fair bit… stronger.

You tell a few lies to make one person happy, and suddenly, ten or fifteen other people hate your guts.

Moreover, a lie doesn’t necessarily need to be told to begin this vicious cycle of deception and web-weaving. No, sometimes all it takes is a concealing of the truth.

Some say that withholding the truth is on the same level as telling a lie. Keeping the truth is as awful an act as lying. After all that happened, I can whole heartedly say that I agree.

I tried so hard to balance the lives that I led. They contrasted and differed so greatly, that I thought it was almost impossible that they would ever meet.

That just goes to show that nothing is impossible.

Because as much as you try to hide the truth, the fact that it exists, can never be hidden.

It was inevitable, really, that something like that would happen. I knew it deep down, and yet, it still came as a shock.

When I stepped through that door, I didn’t know what I was in for, but I did know it wouldn’t turn out well. Because right there, sitting across from Miss Bates, was none other than Vince.

And sitting beside Vince, was William Dubois.

Who would be sitting next to him? My father? Honestly… I didn’t know what I did to deserve seeing both these men at school—at the same time—but it must have been something terrible. Because that situation was entirely uncomfortable.

“Take a seat please, Desirée."  Miss Bates’ booming voice tore me away from my awe. I shakily took the empty seat next to Vince at snuck a peek at his expression. He just smiled charmingly, but I knew better. I was in for it… he was just doing what he always did—attract people. And from the way the principal looked at him, it was working! Gross.

I didn’t dare look at William. I was much too embarrassed and ashamed. What could either of these men be thinking? How much did they know? What… what would they do?

“Ah, Mr. Dubois, you may leave my office while I talk to Desirée and Mr. Crocetti."

William slowly exited the room. I couldn’t look up, but I could feel his gaze boring into me. What kind of an expression did he have? The door closed softly behind me.

I wondered if I’d actually hurt William in any way—not his reputation, rather, his feelings. Was that possible? He was human. And well, he wasn’t awful all the way through. I mean, he was unfaithful to his wife and kind of a shady guy, but even so…

Perhaps I was just defending myself. Because I went through with everything he wanted, knowing who he was, without a single complaint. Didn’t that make me just as bad as him? Guilty by Association?

Those heavy thoughts were making me sink into despair. Luckily, I didn’t have time to dwell on it more, as my attention turned back to the uh, situation.

“Well, I’d just like to say, Desirée is a remarkable student. She has quickly become a top academic student here at Sweet Amoris, and I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback from her teachers."

Vince chuckled. “Yes, that’s my girl. You know, I myself was quite the scholar when I was younger." 

’Oh please,’ I rolled my eyes. ‘Won’t you give it a rest?’

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