Chapter Sixteen: Rave On

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The way you dance and hold me tight

The way you kiss and say goodnight

Rave on it's a crazy feeling and

I know it's got me reeling

The chilly wind caused a shiver up my spine as I skulked back inside. As I slipped through the doors back into the hallway, I was greeted by loud, upbeat music. Energy flowed all around me, but I just felt drained. I didn’t belong here, with all these carefree people dancing about.

I wanted to leave. I made my way towards the front doors, wary of a certain man who could have been lurking about.


I sharply turned around, and exhaled in relief when I realised it was only Nathaniel. “…hey.”

“Are you leaving?” He frowned.

I forced a small smile. “Yeah, I’m feeling a bit tired, I think I’ll head out. Lack of sleep gets me into a lot of trouble.” I laughed a bit so as to appear nonchalant. Though, this was Nathaniel, avid reader of mystery novels. No doubt he could sniff out a suspicious situation from miles away. Chances are—

“Are you sure that’s it?”

—he wouldn’t believe me. Of course.

He raised an eyebrow. “Actually, I’m quite sure I saw Castiel storm out of here just now. Well, he’s always angry and moody, but tonight—and any other time he’s with you—he seemed in higher spirits.” Nathaniel chuckled. “He seemed to have become quite enamoured with you.”

I shifted uncomfortably. Enamoured? Strong word.

“So, what happened? Did you turn him down?” He laughed again.

My eyes widened. “Uhh…”

He, too, stared back at me in shock. “You did, didn’t you?”

I frowned. “It’s not that simple, not that it’s any of your business, Nathaniel.”

He flushed, embarrassed. “Ah, that’s right, I’m sorry. But… are you okay?” He appeared genuinely concerned.

‘I won’t be if you ask me.’ I grimaced. “I guess so…”

Nathaniel pursed his lips. “You shouldn’t let him ruin your night. Why don’t you stick around?”

I sighed. “I don’t think so, but thanks for caring.”

“At any rate, do you need a ride?”

“I… I’ll be alright. I’ll see you around, I guess.” I smiled sadly. “Happy holidays.” With that, I turned back around and left. He didn’t stop me. 


The night was comfortingly quiet as I made the long trek home. The sky was engulfed by clouds, covering the light of the moon and stars, concealing every hint at light. I walked carefully through the darkness.

I wished I’d brought a warmer coat with me. I buttoned my sweater up all the way, and huddled it close to me. The silence was pervaded by a crack of thunder, followed by—surprise, surprise—a sudden downpour of rain. I never noticed how much it rained in Sweet Amoris until I started going to school.

I sighed as the rain ruined Melody’s careful styling of my hair. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. Just like that evening.

At least… at least I got to enjoy a taste of what it was like to be a normal teenager in a normal teenage setting. I got to get dolled up with my friends, feel beautiful and dance with an amazing guy… experience a fairy tale kiss with said amazing guy. The stuff movies are made of. But of course, movies ended, and the carriage became a pumpkin once more.

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