Chapter Seven: That's The Way

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Yesterday I saw you kissing tiny flowers,

But all that lives is born to die

I stuffed my hands in my pockets as chilly winds ravaged through the air. I was halfway home, and had started to feel more than a little anxious. I greatly disliked walking alone in the dark. Especially in this area. Shadows shifted around in darkened alleyways. I quickened my pace and focussed only on what was ahead of me. I was nearly there… I knew this place like the back of my hand. There was nothing to fear, right?

I silently wished that Castiel had driven me all the way back, or even with me now, protecting me as I walked across the dark streets. Wouldn’t that have been interesting, though? He would see where I lived… how I lived… what I did to live. No… I wasn’t really living; I just wasn’t dead. Whatever I was, he would be disgusted and want nothing to do with me. That I knew. But, I also knew that I didn’t want to lie to him forever…

Of course, that probably wasn’t a problem, as I had most likely scared him off with my antics—the kiss, that is. I didn’t regret it all, though. Actually, I’m very glad that I did. It was a great end to a great birthday… it would have been a perfect one if he kissed me, but that would have been asking for too much. However, I was satisfied with that much… for now, anyway.

I blushed when I thought about it. Castiel had awkwardly left, but everything would be normal by Monday, right? I sure hoped so…

I sighed in relief when I finally reached the club. I had made it back in one piece! I felt much more at ease; there were people everywhere. Of course—it was Friday night. I made my way to the private side door and away from the crowds around me. I ran into Vince, who had with him his signature accessories—a glass of scotch in one hand, a girl on the other. Good grief, I didn’t want to ruin such a great day by talking to him—maybe he would just ignore me.

“Ah, you’re back, Didi!” No such luck. “Where has my little dove been all day?”

I rolled my eyes. “I was out with a friend. It’s my birthday, remember?”

“Yes, yes, of course. I gave you the night off, remember?” He raised an eyebrow and grinned. He was quite aware of my dislike for him. “Happy birthday, bella!” 

I smiled slightly and headed towards my room.

“Ah, but who were you with? What friends?”   

“Just a guy from sch—”

“A boy!” Vince exclaimed. He laughed loudly. Oh, he would definitely have something to say about that. “My, my, a boyfriend? Does he know where you work? Have you shown him any of your skills?” He winked at me and let out another bawdy laugh.

“He’s not my boyfriend.” I stated simply. Avoid argument. Avoid argument. Avoid argument.

“Oh? Well, remember not to get yourself pregnant, my dear. Papa wouldn’t be very impressed!”

Really? He was still referring to himself as my ‘papa’? That was ridiculous.

“Papa also would no longer have a use for you!” Although his tone was amused, I saw in his eyes that he was very serious about that. He turned back to the other girl. “Come on, Darling, let’s go.” He winked at me and left.

Vincenzo’s presence was a tad irritating, but not enough to completely put me off. I smiled to myself and went up to my room without another disturbance. Well, besides the noise that was downstairs.

I merely brushed my teeth and hopped into bed, and quickly drifted into unconsciousness.


DreamerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora