Chapter Fourteen: Dancing With Myself

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Well there's nothing to lose

And there's nothing to prove

I'll be dancing with myself

Lunch passed and my next few classes flew by; I was feeling giddy with excitement. I needed to find Castiel—was he serious, or just being cryptic?

Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach. I hated that someone could make me feel like a weak, love-struck girl… but at the same time, it felt pretty good.

I was falling hard—and fast. Actually, who was I kidding? I’d fallen for Castiel the day I met him, hadn’t I? His stupid, smart-alecky responses… stormy grey eyes… trademark smirk… and that very special, very rare smile. I loved everything about him.

He probably didn’t feel the same way, though… I mean, I felt like he might have liked me a bit, but not to the extent that I liked him. At least he cared about me as a friend, and that was more than I could’ve asked for.

Being anything other than friends would complicate everything, anyway… I didn’t want to drag him into my mess. But I didn’t want to lie to him anymore… but how could I tell him the truth? How would he take it?

It didn’t matter at the point, though. It was a festive season, a time for celebrating, and enjoying myself. Next Friday was the dance, as well as the last day of school before the holidays. I’d probably working the whole time, but an evening with Castiel—as well as my other friends—didn’t sound bad at all.

The last bell finally rang and I quickly packed up my books and headed to my locker. I hoped Castiel would be there.

When I reached my locker, my heart fell slightly at the fact that he wasn’t there. But, no matter, I would find him anyways. I hummed and put away the books I didn’t needed, and shut the locker.

I twirled around to find two senior football players talking to each other in hushed tones, and smirking at me. I ignored them and began to walk, despite the uneasy feeling in my stomach. I walked towards the back exit of the school. It was usually pretty deserted and the route home was closer.  The foreboding feeling caused me to glance over my shoulder. They were following me.

Well, that’s that. I was going to end up skinned in a ditch. Goodbye world, it was nice being here and—oops, dropped my biology textbook. I bent over to pick it up. I heard a chuckle, and a whistle.

I quickly straightened myself up and felt my cheeks flare in indignation. I turned to the boys with a glare. “Do you have something to say?” I asked impatiently. I glanced around. There were no people around. For some reason, that made me a bit nervous. Of course, if I let these meatheads know they were intimidating me, it would be easier to take advantage of me. And then again, maybe they just wanted a decent conversation. Maybe not.

They eyed me in a disgusting way that I’d seen too many times before. I can’t imagine why—I was wearing a baggy sweater and jeans. Not very sexy.

“Feisty girl, huh Mike?” One of the guys I recognised as Shane said to his friend.

“I’ll say.” Mike muttered with a grin.

I tapped my foot. “What do you want?”

“Woah!” Mike held his hands up. “Chill, we don’t want anythin’. Can’t a dude just hang out?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Um… okay.” I started to walk, but Shane blocked my path.

“You’re a cute girl, you know. Wanna go out sometime? Like tonight?”

I laughed. “Sorry pal, I’m not interested.” I proceeded to push past him, when Mike grabbed my arm.

“That’s a shame, because we’re not taking no for an answer.” He roughly pulled me back and twisted my arm behind my back. I cried out in pain.

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