Chapter Twenty-Seven: You and I

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You know I never could forsee the future years

You know I never could see

Where life was leading me

But will we be together forever?

On the outside, everything seemed perfect. I felt so warm, comfortable, and cosy; however, inside, I felt restless, exhausted, and ill.

How was it possible to experience all these feelings at once? It was like being burnt and frozen at the same time. A contradiction. I seemed to be full of those. Was it only yesterday that I was so determined to fight and make things right? Just goes to show how strong my resolve was… I felt so powerless. Realistically, was there anything that I could do that wouldn’t end bitterly? My choices were limited. I guess… I guess I just had to do what I always did: take each day in stride. It was all I could do for the moment.

I shifted slightly and felt a dull ache throughout my body. “Ugh…” I groaned. My voice was thick and raspy, and my throat hurt something awful. Slowly, I opened my eyes, which were also sore. Why did I feel like such a mess, anyway? What had happened after I had returned to the club? It was kind of a blur… I just remembered feeling sick… and Vince… and that was about it.

“Desirée, you’re awake? How are you feeling?”

After some mild discomfort and pain, I managed to get myself into a sitting position. I realised that I was on the bed… in my room. ‘How did I get here?’

I rubbed my eyes in hopes of clearing away the blurriness. “Vince…?” I murmured upon seeing him at the edge of my bed. “What happened?”

Vince sighed. “You tell me.” There was no humour in his voice. “What happened with Mr. Dubois? You came back last night, and you were a wreck. I found you sick in the bathroom, and then you lost consciousness. You had a very high fever as well…” He lightly placed his hand on my forehead. “It seems a lot better now.”

Vince… he had taken care of me, and even carried me to my bed. The worry was also quite obvious on his face. It was moments like these that made me question my opinion of the man. It was rare to see him being so serious. Who knew that under his mask of manipulation and cruelty, there could be someone so fatherly? It was… nice. Of course I could never forget all things he’d ever said or done, but it was moments like these that made him more tolerable.

“Thanks, for taking care of me and all.” I managed a small smile. Vince looked slightly taken aback, but he smiled and nodded back.

“You were right.” I suddenly said. 


I shook my head slowly. “Everything. I should have been careful. I should have known how dangerous and powerful he is. I’ve ruined everything… for everyone.” I looked him straight in the eyes. “Even—especially—you.”

“Now, now, don’t say that, because it isn’t true. I was wrong. It is not you who is solely at fault, and I shouldn’t have made you feel that way—We have a saying from the village I am from… roughly translated, I believe it would be “Destruction is a group effort”. The way things have become… it would be wrong to place all the blame on you. If anything, most of it is my fault.”

“No… it’s not you—you’re just trying to run a business.” Was I defending Vince? The words were just flowing out. I didn’t have a chance to stop them, but I did continue. “It’s William. He’s… he’s threatened us. Vince, this guy is nuts! It’s like he’s had this all planned since the beginning. If I don’t do what he says, he’ll take legal action. And… and it doesn’t matter what we say—whether he lies or tells the truth, he’s going to win. He’s that good. What’s more, is that he’s just doing this for some sort of twisted pleasure and excitement in his life, and not because he has some sort of passion surrounding the issue. What kind of a person is he?! I just don’t—”

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