Chapter Twelve: As Tears Go By

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All I hear is the sound, of rain falling on the ground.

I sit and watch, as tears go by

I played around with Demon for a while before he got bored and moved on. Shucks, I couldn’t even keep the attention of a dog.

I plopped down on the couch beside Castiel as he aimlessly flipped channels. “I really like your house, Castiel.” I began, trying for some casual small talk. “I don’t know what it is, but the atmosphere here makes me feel quite at ease.” I shrugged.

Castiel smirked. “Yeah? Maybe you should come by more often.” He jokingly pouted. “It gets lonely here.” He was grinning, but something in his eyes told me that there was some truth in that statement.

“Hmm, I’ll try to come up with better excuses than fainting all over you, then.” This earned a slight chuckle from him. I shifted slightly uncomfortably. “Hey… um, I hope you don’t mind me asking… but, where are your parents?”

He raised an eyebrow.

Oops, maybe I shouldn’t have asked. I bit my lip. “Sorry if that’s personal, or anything. You can totally ignore that. You didn’t bug me, so I shouldn’t—”

Castiel snorted. “Chill Des, I’m not offended or anything. It’s no sob story—nah, they’re just busy people. My dad’s a pilot and my mom’s an air hostess. They’re not around much.”

“A pilot, huh? Must be exciting.” I grinned. Maybe I could do that someday. Fly all around the world…

He shrugged. “I wouldn’t know.” It was obvious from the tone of his voice that he held some resentment from his parents. That was to be expected, I guess. Neglect was a killer.

“Umm, well,” I felt my cheeks flush slightly. “Are you actually… alone? Doesn’t it bother you?” What a stupid question. I regretted it the instant it left my mouth.

“Even if it did, what do you want me to about it?” He sighed exasperatedly. “Tell them to stop working? Sorry, but that’s not how it works.”

I pressed my lips in a thin line. “Well, I wouldn’t know…”

Castiel grunted in response. A glanced over at a nearby clock. It was 1:30 in the afternoon! Where had the time gone?!

“I think I should get going now…”

“Too late to go to school.” He shrugged.

I gasped. “School?! I totally forgot what day it was! But it’s only Tuesday, isn’t it?”

Castiel nodded with a smirk.

I grimaced. “I probably missed a lot of work.” I sighed, deflated. “Oh well, I guess.”

“Oh no, little miss Goody Two Shoes skipped school. I think the world is ending!” He exclaimed.

I laughed and shook my head. “I really need to get back to my place. I can’t imagine how much trouble I’ll be in.” I bit my lip nervously. I didn’t really want to leave. This was mostly because I enjoyed Castiel’s company, but also… I was afraid of the wrath of Vince.

There was no way to predict what his reaction would be. Hopefully, today was a good day.

Castiel stretched and grabbed his keys from the coffee table. “Okay, I’ll take you home.”

“No!” I snapped. He looked at me strangely. “Uh, I mean, you should just relax. I know I’ve had you running around all over for me. It’s not right.” I glanced at him pointedly. “Believe me, you’ve done more than enough for me, and I really appreciate it.”

He frowned at me. “You’re the one who needs to relax. You’re not eating properly, you’re not sleeping well? What, Des? Are you trying to die?”

I looked away, slightly hurt. Maybe I didn’t want to die at that point, but it wasn’t always that way. “I…” I began softly. “I feel fine. And I live close…”

Castiel looked at me uncomfortably. “I didn’t mean…” He shook his head. “Whatever, suit yourself.” That very bored, very Castiel-esque tone was back.

I smiled slightly, brushing off his earlier comment. I leaned over on the couch and hugged Castiel. “I can take care of myself, Cas. You just worry about yourself.” I ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek. In a totally friendly manner, of course. At least… that was what I told myself.

He shifted slightly so that I was comfortably leaning on him. He gingerly placed an arm around me. “Trying to steal heat from me again?”

I chuckled and rested my head on his shoulder. “Maybe.”

I wished that moments like this could have lasted forever, but of course, wishes were meaningless, and all good things had to end.


“Ah, Desirée, how nice of you to join us.” That condescendingly cordial voice was enough to give a person nightmares. “We did miss you greatly.”

“…” I removed my gaze from the ground, trailing up before meeting the dark brown eyes of Vince. “Uh, I…”

“I mean, really mia figlia, my child, papa was very worried about you!” Dark amusement twinkled in his eyes.

I raised an eyebrow. “Actually, I’m not your child, Vince. I’m no one’s child.” Indignation burned inside me. Who exactly did he think he was? “What? You think you have some sort of authority over me? I’m not obligated to stay here.” He was ruining a perfectly nice afternoon.

Vince chuckled. “Your words, they hurt me very deeply.” He mockingly put a hand over his heart. "Si, you do not have to stay here. You can do as you please, but ah…” He grinned at me in a manner that would put the Cheshire cat to shame. “You do forget one little thing… this is a place of business. My business. Your job.”

Oh… a detail that had escaped me. A shiver ran down my spine at his words.

If it were possible, his smile grew wider. “And… do not think I do not know where it is you hide your money.”

My eyes widened and a soft gasp escaped my lips. “How—”

“How could I know?” A laugh rumbled within that devil of a man. “Bella, not even the smallest insect flies by without me knowing of its existence. Do not look so frightened! I have put it somewhere a tad more…” he waved his hands around, as if searching for the right word. “safe. I will not touch a penny of it… as long as you understand that it is on my property, and as long as you are here, you will abide by my rules and do as I say.”

I was speechless. I always knew that this guy was bad company… but he was going to rob me?! “But… but you can’t do that! That’s my money!”

“Who will you go to? The police? I think not.” He laughed. “Don’t look at me like that.” He put a hand on my shoulder. I suppressed the urge to push him away, and kept my expression stony. “You should know by now, mi amore, this life is not fair.” He winked at me and flicked my nose before walking past me. His laughter emanated within the building.

I waited until he was gone before I darted upstairs to my room. I frantically tore away the bed sheets, and lifted the mattress with a grunt. I gasped for breath as panic filled me. Underneath the mattress was a ratty old blanket. Wrapped within that blanket was a black duffel, where I stored my money.

I clawed away at the blanket, and shakily unzipped the bag.

My face turned white, and bile arose in my throat. “No…” I gasped out.

The bag was empty.

That was it. There was only so much a person could take… before it became too much…

I fell down on my knees.  I felt dizzy and ill. Tears burned in my eyes, aching for release. And release them I did. My lower lip quivered, and before I knew it, a sob escaped.

I hadn’t shed a tear in almost a decade, and now they poured out like waterfalls. More sobs wracked my body, and I huddled myself in my lonely misery until I fell asleep like that.

DreamerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora