1: The Arguements Never End

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1: The Arguments Never End

"Where have you been?!"

Another arguement.

"Church! How many times do I have to explain this to you? The deacons called for a quick meeting." said Charles.

"And you couldn't pick up your phone and call me? I'm your wife!"

"I was the man who captured your heart and put that ring on your finger. I know you're my wife. I'm apologize."

"Sometimes I really don't think you care. You changed a lot of the past few months you've become pastor!"

"Don't start with this again."

"You know it's true. That's why you always get an attitude when I bring it up. You're never home!"

"I'm a pastor. What do you expect? I have things to take care off and you know this! This is what we signed up for."

It's the same thing all the time. He always uses church as an excuse for everything. It's not good enough of an excuse anymore. We're married and married people are suppose to communicate. I'm pretty sure the deacons go straight home to their wives.

"All I'm asking is for you to spend time with me."

"I'll make it up to you? What about tomorrow? I'll take you out for lunch?"


"Give me kiss!"

I was reluctant at first. I leaned forward and I gave him a quick peck. I pulled back as he tried furthering the kiss. I shrugged him off which led him to start kissing me on the neck. I was not going to just let him get what he wants in every situation he messes up. 

"This is what I'm talking about." He pulled back and gave me a disgusted look.

"You always think that sex is going to fix everything. Sex isn't going to fix everything Pastor." I made sure to emphasized on the word Pastor.

"If that's how you feel I'll get out of your way. I'll be back at 10."

"Seriously? You just got home."

"I'm very serious."

"You're acting like a child. You're the best husband that any women could've asked for. The best in the world!"

I walked away on that note and I walked into our spacious kitchen.

I don't see what I'm doing wrong nor do I know what's wrong with him? I cook for him every night, clean, and pleasure him.

He used to be such a loving husband, would care for me. He would stop by my work place just to take me out for lunch and we were that perfect couple.

All that it seems now is that I'm a nagging, ungrateful wife that's unsupportive.

"Did I make a mistake marrying this man?" I mumbled to myself.

Lord forgive me. God choose this man for me and I need to stop stressing. It's just a bump on the road that we will soon pass over. I looked into the refrigerator for something to eat. And by the looks of it. I need to buy some groceries.

I picked my MK bag from the counter and grabbed my keys. I took my leather coat off the hanger and quickly put on my running shoes.

I locked the house door on my way out. I got into my car and checked my rear view mirror as I placed my seatbelt on.

I started the engine and pulled out of the driveway.

I parked my car in the parking lot of the supermarket.

I grabbed my bag and made sure to lock my car as I got out. I walked toward the supermarket. As I got in I grabbed a shopping cart.

I had already made a mental list of what I needed. I picked up a few items consisting of : eggs, milk, vegetables, fruits, cheese, ice cream, rice, flour etc.

As I pushed the cart to the cash register. I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Lauren.

Lauren is my best friend and she is the reason I started going to church. Don't let that fool you. Lauren is the ultimate trouble marker but religion is number one in her book. We've known each other from the time I was about 5 or 6.

"Teya!"yelled Lauren once again.

I hated when Lauren screamed my name especially in public. At least the market wasn't packed as it usually was on a day such as this.

"What did I tell you about all that screeching?"

"And when did I take orders from you?Did you actually think I would listen to you?"

"Why do I befriend people like yourself?"

"Because I'm royalty and you couldn't have survived without me. But how is my best friend doing or should I say First Lady?"

The line started motioning forward. I strolled up.

"Charles is really acting like a bastard" I grunted.

"The deacons wouldn't like hearing that vulgar language but all jokes aside. What's been happening?"

"What's been going on? How about the staying out late and the never coming home."

"Do you think he is...you...know?"

"What? Gambling? Oh no."

"No silly. Sleeping around? Cheating."

I didn't bother entertaining that idea. I didn't want to even dwell on the thought.

I got to the register and started putting my stuff onto the scanner. The cashier started to ring up the groceries. As she swiped the last product. I take glance over at the computer screen and it came up to $45.95.

I reached into my bag to get out my purse but I seen a hand in my side view. She whipped out a hundred dollar bill. 

"On me."says Lauren.

The cashier took the money and handed Lauren her change.

"I'm not a charity case. You didn't have to."

"I wanted to."

"Let me take you out for dinner."

"That's fine by me."

We grabbed the bags of groceries and head to my car. I opened the trunk and placed the groceries inside.

"I'll follow up behind."

I nodded my head and locked the trunk. I unlocked my car and got inside. I turned on the engine and glanced to see Lauren walking to her car.

I inhaled and exhaled. I pulled out the seatbelt and locked it into place.

Lauren pulled up a little behind me and beeped. I jumped out of my trance and pulled out of the parking lot.

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