26: Talking Changes Things

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26: Talking Changes Things

Our little time together was cut earlier.

This was going to be my first night in the condo. I'm pretty excited that I'm finally going to be living by myself. It's been a few years.

Troy has really been a help and I'm glad that he's been placed in my life. I really want to get over the past and move on with my life. It seems like no matter how much I talk about moving forward. I can't move forward. It's almost like I'm saying it to convince myself.

To move on I need to have a conversation with Charles and Matiah on a respectable level. No yelling or aggressiveness. No matter how I try to push my feelings I can't get over it.

For right now I need to get some rest. I changed out of my clothes into sleepwear. I brushed my teeth and headed straight to bed.

I soon drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I had my day planned out. I decided to that I would call back the Chinese place and ask for Matiah.

I wanted to take her out for lunch and truly hear her out.

I got out of bed and took a long shower. I wrapped a towel around me and went to brush my teeth. I exited the bathroom. I opened my drawer to get a pair of undergarment. I got dressed and made apple cinnamon oatmeal. Something light but just enough to hold me.

I finished my oatmeal and washed out the bowl. I decided it was time to call the resturant. I picked up the phone and dialled in the number.

"How may I help you?"

"I ordered here last night and the lady who delivered my food turned out to be a friend of a friend. I wasn't able to get her number because she was on a very busy schedule. I know that as a restaurant you aren't suppose to give out your employees information. But this would mean a lot."

"What's her name?"


"Matiah is making a delivery at the moment. I will let her know. Is that all?"


"Have a great day!"

I guess I'll just wait until she's available but till than I was planning to catch up on gossip girl. I've missed a lot of episodes. I watched a few episodes then went up to my room. I needed to pick out what I was going to wear for work tomorrow.

The phone began to ring. I toke a deep breathe and picked up the phone.

"Hi. My manager told me that you called. Did I mess up your order?"said Matiah.

"Actually I wanted to know if you'd like to join me for lunch today. You already know where I live so that would be the perfect."

"I don't think that would be the best idea."

"What time do you finish?" I asked.

"Around 4:30."

"Then swing around my apartment at 6 for dinner."

Before she could answer. I hang up the phone. It was only 1:30. I should call my girls over to check out the condo.

I picked up the phone and called over the girls to see the apartment. In the meantime I was began to prepare a few snacks. I toke out some red wine and sat it on the island in the kitchen. Before I could even realize I heard a knock on the door. These girls don't play around.

"How they get here so fast?"

I opened the door. It wasn't who I expected. It was Charles. I'm not going to say I'm over situation but I'm over the arguing. I don't need anymore unnecessary drama.

"Before you shut the door in my face. I don't expect you to forgive me or to want to be friends with me. I just want you to hear me out." He said holding the door opened.

"I'm not going to shut the door in your face."

"Okay. To start off I'm not stalking you. It's like Eve when she was presented with the Apple. The apple looked rather pleasing and with a bit of convincing she gave in."

He can't be comparing this to Adam and Eve.

"I hurt you. I take full responsibility for my actions. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. I didn't appreciate you the way I should've. Now that I've lost you...I realize what I've lost."

"It's the fact that you were playing me like a fool. It has nothing to do with appreciation. It was the simply fact that you thought you could get away with your actions. You can tell me different."

I gave him a chance to intercept if he had anything to add. He didn't so I continued.

"You know what you had. You knew what would happen if I found out. You can't tell me that you thought I was going to jump into your arms and forgive you. You thought I was going to forgive you but when you realized that it wasn't going to happen. You got scared and tried to plead your case. You had your piece of pie and surely enjoyed it."

"That's not what it was!"yelled Charles.

"You can't just man up to what you did. You weren't forced to do anything out of your own will. Matiah didn't tie you up and force you to have sex with her. These were decisions that you made."

I paused and toke a breather. I promised myself that I wouldn't get upset.

"The fact is...is that you thought you could sleep around. You thought you wouldn't get caught and mostly likely if you didn't. You would still be posted up with her. You don't care Charles. That's just it. You don't care!"

"YOU WEREN'T THERE!"yelled Charles.

"I was ALWAYS there for you. Explain to me what I wasn't there for. I would love to know what I did to cause this to happen. The only thing I've done is not going through with our vows. 'Till death do us part." I wouldn't be able to die in peace if I decided to stay with you."

"The day Matiah came to you. I told her I was breaking things off because I felt guilty. Matiah thought that I was going to eventually leave you and build a family with her. I told her multiple of times that she was someone I called for casual sex. I never expected it to become an everyday thing. It wasn't even suppose to happen. I respect your decision."

"Hey T."said Mia walking up behind Charles. She looked at me from behind Charles and mouthed if I was okay.

"Charles was just leaving." I said looking past Charles. I couldn't look at him. I did mean every word I said and I could tell he meant what he had said.

"Uh..."said Lauren.

He looked at me and said the words I've been looking for.

"I want you to be happy even if that excludes me. Be happy."

Don't forget to leave comments, thoughts, and ideas - T

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