2: Money Is My Medication

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2: Money Is My Medication

"Call me when you get home." said Lauren. "Of course."

She gave me a weak goodbye and I pulled out of her driveway. It had been a long night at the grill.

I stopped at 7/11 and bought a little snack. I wondered if Charles was home yet. I bought a bag of Sun Chips with a Redbull.

I got back into the car and headed home. I pulled up in the driveway and grabbed the grocery bags out of the car.

I locked the car door and walked up to the front porch.

As I got up to the last steps the door flew open. "Where have you been? I've been worried sick about you."

"It's late and you're trying to cause a scene so move."

I slid in and dropped the bags of groceries.

"I can't get groceries and go have some girl time?"

I dropped my bag on the kitchen counter. I noticed Charles lapping behind me like a puppy with no home.

"Look at the time you're coming in."

"What time have you been coming home? Oh wait! You don't even come home half the time."

I didn't even wait for him to respond. I picked up the grocery bags emptying the items onto the counter.

Next thing I knew I was being shoved towards the counter. My stomach was being pressed into the counter.

"You know I care about you. I hate when you start talking crazy. You know I don't have time for your sarcastic remarks." Charles said slightly pulling my hair back as he spoke into my ear.

I stayed quite.

He span me around and pulled my face towards him. He placed his hands on my waist and slid them into my coat.

"You look and smell delicious."

"Thank you." I said barley over a whisper.

"You know I love you." He said looking deep into my eyes. "I know."

He tossed me over his shoulder and I started kicking and screaming. I was kicking my feet in the air as he walked up the stairs.

"Let me down!" I giggled. "I'm going to show you how much I love you."


I woke up and turned over to see a note. It was from my idiot of a husband and the note said:

Morning beautiful. You looked so peaceful sleeping. I didn't want to wake you up but I left some money on the counter. Go out and treat yourself. I'll be at my office but I'll see you later. It'll be a busy day for me but I'll be thinking about you.

P.S I thought sex couldn't fix everything?

I tossed the note to the side and tried to  tousled my hair into a ponytail. I got up and went to go clean up. I brushed my teeth and I took a warm shower. I wrapped my robe around my body.

I decided to make breakfast this morning as I was really hungry. I made a healthy omelette and smoothie. It was the perfect started meal. I had to start my morning on the right foot.

"What to do today?"

I sat on the couch with my food in hand. I turned on the television and skimmed the TV guide.

"The Tyra Banks Show" was on. The subject for the day was cheating. "I don't think I've seen this episode."

"I was once in that position of being cheated on." Tyra began to say.

I started to eat my food as she spoke .

One women came up on stage talking about how she caught her boyfriend of 2 years cheating. He was sleeping with her best friend during their whole relationship and she said she loves him even after the fact.

"He clearly doesn't love you."

My phone began to ring and I placed my half empty plate on the coffee table.


"Hey girl! Let's go out and do something."screamed Lauren.

"You need to stop all that yelling!"

She went on a rant about how  she loved hearing her own voice. I had to laugh because she doesn't have any sort of a filter.

"I need to make sure that you can hear me the first time around. You know I don't like repeating myself. Anyways, get dressed because I'll be at your house in 10."said Lauren.

"I never even agreed to go anywhere."

"I'll be there soon. Just leave the door open."

"So you can just waltz in?"

Lauren bursted out laughing. I carried my plate into the kitchen. I dropped the remains into the trash.  I placed the plate into the sink and hurried off to the bathroom.

I began to lotion my body and than my room door flew open.

"How did you get into my house?"

"The spare key under the mat. You know you're like only black female I know that does that crap."

"I really should stop telling you things. I need to change so get out of my room."

"Hurry up!"

She exited my room. I quickly got up and locked the door. I can't have her walking in on me which she's done before. I've seen her naked multiple of times and she didn't care one but. But I appreciated my privacy.

I got out a red summer dress that stopped at the middle of my thigh. I threw on a long black cardigan. I wore plain black scandals and grabbed my black Michael Kors bag. I threw my phone and purse into my bag. I let my curly hair loose and applied some nude lip gloss.

"Sexy mama!"said Lauren.

Lauren looked pretty good herself. She wore Aztec romper with black scandals and her makeup was on point. She had her Prada purse in hand and held her keys in her other hand.

"We're going shopping! Get your black card out and let's get to spending!"

"I'm surprised I'm not broke yet."

"You get paid well plus your husband gives you racks on top of racks. I seen that stack on the kitchen counter. If you don't want it. I'll  surely take it. And don't even get me started with your dad! Your dad spoils the hell out of you."

"I am the only child and I never even use the money that Charles gives me. I'm not a teenager with a weekly allowance. Don't get me started on your dad! He got you a Mercedes Benz!"

"After weeks of asking."

"Please. You called him the same night you seen it on Instagram and he bought it. You just didn't get it until a week after because of the things you wanted. Pink seats, rims, ligh-"

"Alright! We're both spoiled brats!"

"You're the brat not me. When you don't get what you want it's like hell on earth." Lauren huffed. "You're way too dramatic!"

We got to her Jeep and got seated.

"We should go to that new mall that opened at Queens. I heard they have all these new stores!"said Lauren.

"I want to buy some new makeup products. I really want to try out the new Chanel products."

Lauren pulled out of the driveway.

"Their prices are ridiculous. It's like $50 for a bronzer!"

"They can keep that."

I turned on the radio to the gospel station. We sang God in Me by Mary Mary all the way to the mall.

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