23: Support System

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23: Support System

I'm now waiting for Mia and Lauren at the Arzara Cafe. I'm going to share the good news with them.

I can surely catch up on the past bills but the house is another situation. I could still stay in the house but I made a decision to sell it. The house is soon to be out of my possession. It's time for me to move into my condo. The movers are moving my things out of the house.

Things have been happening one after the other. I just started working and I'm being handed a bunch of cases. I'm moving out of the house and I'm getting to know Troy on another level.

I was snapped out of my thought once I seen Ma and Lauren walking threw the cafe doors.

"Over here!"I waved. They began to walk in my direction.

"Hey T." Lauren said sitting down.

"You're glowing. What are you all happy about?"asked Mia.

I haven't even spoken to both of my best friends in a long time. I never wanted to disconnect myself from them. They've been there from the beginning.

Mia toke a seat.

"Must be Troy." Lauren said nudging Mia.

I laughed and toke a sip of my caramel cappuccino.

"I've realized that I haven't been the best of a friend."

I noticed their features change.

"It's nothing bad so lighten up. I had bills to take care of and other issues."

"You could've asked us!"yelled Mia.

"Listen. I spoke to Troy and he was very helpful. He decided upon himself to help me out. He got his friend who is in law to hear me out. I went to an interview and I got the job. I'm back doing the one thing I always loved. As well as I decided to sell the house or should I say sold."

Lauren stared at me in shock. I turned to Mia and she was speechless.

"I've been condo shopping. I found a beautiful condo and I bought it. The movers are going to be moving in my things today. As my best friends I hope that you can support me."

"I'm beyond happy for you!"yelled Mia.

"I want to see this condo."

"You guys can come over once everything is settled."I said.

"So you're a lawyer now?"asked Lauren.

"Basically. My boss has really put everything in my hands. He's been sending all the right cases in my direction. I have a trial to go to over the weekend. It's going to be pretty amazing. Standing in front of a judge again and getting back into it."

"I'm glad. Troy is really great. Isn't he?"asked Mia.

"He is more than great. Our relationship is blossoming. It's turning into something serious."

"I think that Troy might be the one."said Mia.

"If you want to know how I feel than I feel like Troy is the one too. He seems to always have your back even when you aren't around."said Lauren.

"He talks about me when I'm not around?"

"Yes! At church a few ladies were saying how divorcing Charles wasn't a good decision. Troy wasn't having it and I wasn't either but Mia told me to relax."said Lauren.

"YEAH! Because Lauren was about to go off like she wasn't standing right in the sanctuary."yelled Mia.

A few people turned in our direction. Our table was the main attraction.

"How about we go walk the board walk?"I asked.

"Let's go. Mia keeps yelling and dragging attention over here."said Lauren snickering.

"Lauren don't even try it. You were hollering just a few seconds ago."

Mia started laughing and Lauren glared at her. We toke our bags and as we were leaving I threw my cup in the garbage.

"I think I might go back to school too."said Lauren.

"You're going back to school? You hate school."said Mia.

"But I don't hate money. It's not only about the money though. I don't feel like I'm truly doing what I want to do."said Lauren.

"You don't like working at the office."I asked.

"I hate it! I rather be a CEO of a company than a personal assistant. I thought something like Fifty Shades of Grey would happen. Meeting a sexy Christian Grey but all I've got is a sixty year old man."replied Lauren.

"You're getting paid some good cash."said Mia.

"It's good but I want to do more than being someone's little pet. I want to own a company. People ask what do you do for a living. Uh...I'm a slave for a CEO."Lauren rolled her eyes.

"Imagine. Someone asking you what you do for a living and being able to say you own a company. That's an accomplishment."she continued saying.

"So when do you plan on going back?"asked Mia.

"I was planning to enroll sometime next month. I'm trying to pay my way through and not take out any loans."said Lauren.

"If that's what you feel like doing then you should go for it."

"Agreed."said Mia smiling.

Lauren began to smile.

"I love you guys!"she yelled.

"Mia? Now what are you hiding?"I asked.

"Well...I got a call for an audition for a commercial. I got a part for a new sitcom. It's nothing really drastic."she whispered.

"That's big news! That is drastic! My best friend might be the next big thing!"yelled Lauren.

"Simmer down."said Mia.

"So tell us about this sitcom."

"I got the main role which is pretty exciting. The sitcom is about a women who is trying to find her passion. All her friends are getting married and having kids apart from her. She's put her love life on the back burner. It's a mess!"said Mia.

"When are they going to start recording?"screamed Lauren.

"They want to start next week. They want to get season one out by October. We need to start filming scenes so then they can begin making commercials."

"I'm happy for you just don't forget my ass when you become the next Jennifer Lawrence."

"I would never!"said Mia with a shocked expression.

"We all have something going on."said Lauren.

"We all have to support each other along the way."

Don't forget to leave comments, thoughts, and ideas - T

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