12: The Church

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12: The Church


It's Sunday and I haven't seen or spoken to Charles since the incident.

Mia and Lauren have been keeping me company, it's almost like they've moved in. They've been really supportive and helpful. It's been nice because I know I would've been a mess without them.

"Are you ready yet?"yelled Lauren.

"I'm doing the finishing touches!"

"For two million hours now."said Mia

I was looking into the mirror as I was filling in my eyebrows. I was just making them look a bit thicker.

I liked my overall look. A wore a red and black fitted dress with designer red pumps. It was color blocked dress and it fit me just right. *picture is in media section. The cleavage wouldn't be that deep*

I let my curly hair flow over my shoulders. I parted it into the middle and dampened it with some mousse to get the curls more defined.

"I'm coming in. Christ."said Lauren. Mia popped her head in. "You look so damn beautiful."

"Your hair it's all curly! I love it!"chimed Mia.

I thanked them. "To new beginnings!"

"To new beginnings!"agreed Lauren and Mia.


We arrived at church and I noticed his vehicle. It wasn't in its usual spot.

We stepped out of my new white BMW.

I decided to give away my old car. It was a car that Charles had bought me. I didn't need any reminders of him or him thinking that I needed it. I could buy things of my own.

As I was walking I stumbled upon  Deacon James and his wife.

"Mr and Mrs James!"

"It's nice to see you ladies. You look dazzling my dear." Mrs. James complimented me. "Thank you."

"I'll have to catch you ladies after service. I have to set up on a few things. Enjoy the service."

She blew us kisses as she walked away. Lauren blew her one back and Mia just smiled.

"Could we have a moment ladies?" Deacon asked. "Of course. We'll see you inside Teya."said Mia.

I nodded then they walked off towards the church building.

"How are you?"

"I've been good. I confronted both him and Matiah."

"How did he take it?"

"It was like a kid getting caught taking a cookie out the cookie jar. He was confused at first than started pleading for forgiveness."

Deacon began encouraging me. I lost focus once I spotted Matiah. She looked at me than quickly broke eye contact. She wore a big hat that covered her face.


"Sorry. I just got s bit distracted."

"Don't worry. I know you're going through a hard time, it will get better."

"I think we should get going. Service must've started by now."

"I'm right behind you."

What awaits me. I do not know.

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