10: Perfectly Fine For Now

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10: Perfectly Fine For Now

I woke up to find Charles gone once again. He's a joke to me.

My first instinct was to call the church because that's where he always claimed to be. It wasn't surprising that they said he hasn't been there. I caught on to the lies.

I asked for Matiah's number's number while I was on the phone. I called the number and got no answer.

What is this Lord? It seemed like everyone had other things to tend to.

I decided to do some housework.

My phone buzzed and it was a message from Lauren. She sent me a picture. I had mixed feelings about the picture that was before me. It was a picture of Matiah and Charles at a coffee shop.

"You should let your man know that  he's playing with fire. He doesn't want to get burned."  That was Lauren's text after.

I responded saying, "I did tell him to speak to her. I told him about the complaints not into detail but I guess he heard me out. He didn't seem that much interested in talking to her before. I'm just surprised he didn't tell me."

Honestly I wasn't shocked or surprised by Charles not telling me. It seems that he hasn't been telling me a lot of things these days.

I spend the rest of the day engaging in yoga and watching Netflix. Later on in the day Matiah returned my call.

I explained a bit of what's been going on. I asked her about her absence at the meeting. She had plenty of reasonable excuses. I told her there have been complaints and rumours going around.

She admitted to the women in the church not being too fond of her. She didn't say much on the subject of the rumours said about her.

Two weeks later.

The doorbell rang. It was Deacon James.

"Praise the Lord!" He greeted.

Deacon was a nice man but he always seemed to be up to something. It seems that he means well but sometimes it can just be too much.

"Greetings. What brings you here? Pardon me. Would you like to come in?" I stood a bit to the side opening the door wider.

"I'd love to but I would have to pass on the invitation today. I have a few things to discuss. It's about Charles."said Deacon.

"He stepped out a few minutes ago. He isn't here. Do you want me to take a message."

"I don't want to speak to him. I came to speak with you."

He handed me an envelope. The eagerness was evident on his face.

I opened the envelope and it was a picture of Charles and Matiah.

They were holding hands going into a hotel. Another picture was behind of them hugging and looking a little too friendly."

"What's this?" I was confused.

"When he says he's at church. Where do you think he's really at? The excuse of going to church didn't seem a bit odd and getting old? He's missed all of the meetings that we've scheduled."

I wasn't believing what I was hearing.
"I'm not following."

"I'll make this short and simply. I'm a blunt man and believe me I want the best for you. But I had to find out for myself what's had been going on. He's been acting a bit funny these days and seemed more on edge than usual. That's when I put the pieces together. Matiah and Charles have a relationship going on. And it's not a friendly relationship. It's a intimate one."

"I-I-can't be-"

"Matiah has been playing Charles like a fiddle."

"I get it, thank you. I don't need you to drag on about the mystery that you've seemed to solve."

I had to laugh because how couldn't I have seen this coming? I should've known. It all makes sense.

"I can't believe this. I can't stay married to him."

"I'm very sorry. I've decided that it would be best to let the board know of what's been going on. I thought that you should be the first to know since you are his wife."

"And what was my input on you telling the board? Because like you said he is my husband. You do know that this will ruin him? It will ruin me."

"I can't let him to stand on that pulpit another Sunday. It's more than hypocrisy itself. He knew better than that so if it ruins him than that's what happens. It's as simple as that. You won't be ruined."

"Give me time."

"Keep me posted."said Deacon.

I noticed Charles pull up to the driveway.

"I think you should get going. I will hold onto these. I appreciate it."

He simply nodded his head and waved as he got into his car.

I held the door open for Charles as he walked in." Babe. What was that all about?"

I closed the door.

"Nothing. He was telling me about the church meeting coming up. I was surprised you didn't tell me."

"It must've slipped my mind."said Charles while scratching his head.


It's time for a little test.

"Did you talk to Matiah yet?"


"Lauren told me she glimpsed you today with her."

"Oh Matiah! I thought you said Mariah. I met up with her and we sat and had a chat at the coffee shop."

"Right. I'm going to get dinner started."

"You're not going to ask me what we talked about?"

"There's nothing to know that I probably don't already know. I know you handled it. You are the pastor."

"I love you." He slid his hands around my waist.

"Mhm." My eye twitched as I had to fake a smile. It took everything in me to not hit him straight in his mouth.

"What's wrong?" He looked me in my eyes.

I took a long blink and smiled."I'm perfectly fine."

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