15: Moving On?

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15: Moving On?

I have so many questions to ask. He seems like a nice guy. I need to ask Mia about this. I turned over to see that it was only 4:10am in the morning.

I got up and toke my morning shower. I brushed my teeth and found a pair of sweats to put on. I crawled back under the sheets.

"I can't get over this!"

I slowly and quietly walked across the hallway past where Lauren was sleeping. I opened up the guest room where Mia was sleeping. I closed the door and tapped her. She made a sound but didn't wake up so I hit her.

"What...Teya?"she croaked.

"I need to talk to you."

"At like 5 in the morning?"

"I can't get Troy out of my mind."

She quickly patted the empty space in the bed and sat up. I climbed up and crossed my legs.

"Oh. Someone is catching feelings."

"Shut up. Lauren is still sleeping and I didn't tell her about this."

"Sorry. Why not?"

"Because I'm not sure about how I feel?"

"Why? He's a really good guy."

"I feel like I'm moving too fast. The divorce isn't even finalized yet. I can't just start dating...people are going to think badly about me."

"I think you should go for it. Who cares if people think badly? Call him up and go on a date or just a little brunch. You said you want to move on so move!"

"I think I'm going to go for it."

I leaned in for a hug and Mia gladly toke it.

"What should I say?"

"You'll know when the time comes."

I nodded and got up from the bed.

"I'm going to get a little more shut eye"said Mia.

"Go get that beauty sleep."

I closed the door and headed back into my room. God what should I do? He seems like he has a good heart and he seems genuine. I haven't even told my parents. I'm going to have to tell them sooner or later.


"Thanks for keeping me company and being such good friends. I love you guys!"

"Of course girly."said Mia.

"Group hug!"yelled Lauren.

Lauren and Mia were going back to their separate homes. We're most likely going to call each other 3 hours after this.

"I'll call you guys!"

"We'll be expecting it."said Mia.

They picked up their tote bags and left.

I missed their presence already. I need to go back to work or find a hobby. The telephone began to ring. It was the courthouse.



"This is she."

"We would like to let you know that the divorce papers have been finalized. You can take off that wedding band and throw it down the drain!"


"I thought the papers weren't going to be finalized until a couple months!"

"Well in your case it's a miracle because we got the papers back. You're a free women!"

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