5: We Just Sit and Talk About It

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5: We Just Sit and Talk About It

"My church sista!" Mia laughed.

Mia is an old time friend. She was one of my bridesmaids. She's been there for  me just as long as Lauren.

Lauren and her actually knew each other in high school.

I met Mia during the first year of university. We've been through everything together like the drunk parties, boyfriends, fights, and staying up late helping each other study.

Mia isn't really the church girl. She goes to church and lives the lifestyle but at first glance? You can tell off back she's not the innocent angel she tries to portray herself to be.

"It's been forever!"

"It's been a month." Lauren corrected.

"Whatever. It's been 30 days too long without seeing or talking to my baby sister."

"When are the other girls coming?"

"They will be here on Saturday. The talk begins around 1:30pm."explained Mia.

"We get to spend the day together so what's the plan? Is it a movie night or is it a spa day? I need to know." said Lauren.

"You always want to do something with your annoying ass."said Mia.

Lauren simply rolled her eyes. She looked towards me as a 'what are we doing?' type of look.

"Spa. I could use one."

"I agree!"yelled Lauren.

"Can we stop at an ice cream place too? I'm dying for some Ben and Jerry."

"Have you guys seen "Ride Along" yet?"asked Lauren. "With Kevin Hart?"

"That's the one. Cube is in it too."

"If Ice Cube is in it then I'm in it. I've been wanting to watch it for the longest time."


"Kevin Hart is a damn fool." yelled Mia.

The movie ended on such a good note. The credits were starting to appear.

"He's so short but I would still let him hit." said Lauren.

"I have such an attraction to Cube for some reason. That beard is just so sexy but let me humble myself. He's married and so I'm I."

Mia and Lauren looked at me and started laughing. I pouted as I ate a spoon full of ice cream.

"Too bad he's married just like your ass." I rolled my eyes at her. "Shut up and go get a husband."

"Baby, I got man."said Lauren.

"Why are YOU lying? She ain't got a man."said Mia. "Do you have one? I think not."said Lauren.

"I do actually for your information. I'm just waiting on what God has to say."said Mia confidently.

"Don't tell me it's that Matt kid."

"I dropped Matt once I found The Lord and my senses. That I happened to misplace when I was talking to him."said Mia.

Lauren and I started laughing.

"I'm serious. He wasn't the one and I couldn't see it because I was too in love. I wasted 4 months on that kid."said Mia.

Matt is Mia's ex boyfriend. Matt was really sweet at first but than he changed. He acted as if he was a child in a grown mans body. The kid was a total sweetheart but he was immature as hell.

"He was just too immature. He wasn't ready for a women like you. He wouldn't know what to do with all that body you got anyways."said Lauren.

"You got a BOOTY. You would have all these fine church brother's lusting after you."

"Preach First Lady. Hiding a booty like yours should be a sin!"said Lauren.

"It wasn't my request but if I got it. I should flaunt it, no?"said Mia.

We went continued this conversation  for the rest of the night.

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