16: But I Want To Know You

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16: But I Want To Know You

I smoothed my plaid skirt with my hands. I've been looking in the mirror for the past fifteen minutes. I don't know how these work and I'm pretty nervous. I know you shouldn't bring up work or past relationships. I've been doing my research.

"How pathetic?"

I ran my fingers threw my hair which I just finished straightening. My makeup was fairly natural. I heard the doorbell.

"That's my que. Don't blow it."

I grabbed my purse and jacket. My phone started to vibrate while I was putting my shoes on. I quickly unlocked it and it was a message from Mia.

"Natural. Just be you and you'll do great. You better tell me all about it later!"

Typical Mia. I opened the door to see a sharply dressed man that I gladly got the opportunity to spend the night with. Troy was looking sharp as. How I love a man in a bow tie.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you. You're looking pretty sharp yourself."

"Thank you. Are you ready?"

"I just need to lock up."

I opened my purse and toke out my keys. I locked the door and Troy assisted me down the porch front steps. I gave him a slight smile and thanked him because he really didn't have to do that. He opened the car door for me and closed it.

"Thank you."

He walked over to the drivers seat and got in.

"I hope you have an appetite. I'm taking you to this beautiful Italian restaurant."

"I can't wait. I've never been to an Italian restaurant."

"You won't be saying that after tonight."

I just nodded in response. He looked over at me and smiled.


Soon enough we got to the restaurant. He held the door for me. Before I knew it the hostess was in front of us.

"How may I help you on this fine night?"

"A table for two under the name Parker."

Parker. Troy Parker.

"Oh yes. Follow our waiter Michelle. Michelle! Could you please take this fine couple to table 6 in the back?"

She simply nodded and told us to follow along. It's quite a mellow looking restaurant. The lights were dim but the decor was beautiful. She stopped and told us this was our table. We were seated right near a glass window where you could see the view of the city.

"I'll get your seat."suggested Troy.

"It's okay. I got it."

"My mother taught me to always treat a lady with respect."

I laughed a bit while he offered me the open chair which he pulled out. I thanked him and than he toke a seat.

"I'll be right back with your menu."said Michelle.

She left our table and headed to a back room. I looked out and it was just beautiful.

"We got such a beautiful view."

"A beautiful view."said Troy looking at me.

Michelle came back and handed us each a menu.

"I'll give you both time to chose your dish for the night."

"Thank you."

She gave me smile and left. I scanned the menu and there was plenty to chose from but what?

"Have any idea of what you want?"asked Troy.

"No. What about you getting?"

"I'm not quite sure. What about we get the special? You like lobster?"

"I love it!"

"Then we can get that with a bottle of wine. No alcohol."

"That sounds like a plan."

Soon after Michelle came back and asked for our meal request. Troy told her our order and she was off before we knew it.

"She's a pretty good waiter."

"Somewhat. She isn't that talkative but overall she's good."said Troy.


I really don't know what I'm going to do. I have no job and nothing to really strive for. I placed all my goals and dreams, on the back burning because of a man.

"What's the matter?"

I snapped out my trance.


"I said what's the matter?"said Troy.

His head was tilted to the side like he was trying to figure me out.

"Nothing. Everything's fine."

"Don't lie to me."

"It's nothing serious. Don't worry about it."

"I just want to make sure your okay."

I reached over and grabbed his hand.

"I'm okay."

Then once again Michelle came back. I then retrieved my hands back into my lap. She set the plater of food on the table with a bottle of wine.

"Enjoy your meal."she said smiling.

"Thank you very much."

"Just trying to do my job."

I gave her a nod and she left the table.

"If something was wrong you would tell me, right?"asked Troy.

"It's complicated right now."

"I understand."


"I had a wonderful time. I'm glad I ended up taking your offer."

"It was my honor and I'm glad you did."

"It was a night worth wild."

"I don't want to keep you any later than I should."

"Call me when you get home?"

"Most definitely."

He gave me a kiss on the cheek. It was so quick and gentle I would've thought I imagined it. He walked off the porch and I started waving. He sent winked and hopped into his car. I closed the door behind me and toke a peek out the window. He was pulling out the driveway.

"Amazing. He's just amazing."

I leaned onto the door and I just had to lean there for a few moments. I felt like a teenager again.

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