11: Time Bomb

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11: Time Bomb


I currently laying nude in Matiah's bed. I was questioning myself.

I have a good wife at home who cooks and cleans for me. She's independent and doesn't rely on me for pretty much anything.

I'm a pretty selfish man and I can admit that.

"Baby. What are you thinking about?"said Matiah rubbing her hands in my bear chest.

"My wife." I grabbed her hands as it was a piece of filth. I moved them away from my chest and turned on my side.

"Are we doing this again? Why are you so worried about her? We've been sleeping together for months now. If you love and care for her so much than why are you in my bed?"

I grunted and stood up. I dragged on my boxers and started to gather my clothes off the floor. Putting each one on as I picked each piece of clothing on.

"Because you're a slut. I don't love you."

Her mouth dropped open and it wasn't open to give me oral.

"Don't act surprised and don't flatter yourself. It doesn't take much to get in your bed."

"You were the one who offered to take me home. I may be promiscuous but I'm not the one having an affair. Remember that you have way more on the line than I do. You're the pastor not me. The one who is suppose to supply the children of God with the word and directions of God. You're preaching about a life you don't even live."

I grabbed her by her throat swiftly. She started trying to pry my hands off her throat. I wasn't going to kill her but I wanted to teach her a little something.

"Don't let words like that slip your lips so loosely. It could really get you hurt." I seen tears slip and I rolled my eyes at her dramatic action.

I loosened my grip. She jerked away and tried to regulate back her breathing.

I glared at her as I grabbed onto the door handle. "You're acting as if I was really going to kill you. You think so little of me."

"Root in hell." She coughed.

I was pretty much over Matiah and her antics of believing that we were going to run into the sunset together. I couldn't believe she was so stupid to think I would take such drastic measures. I loved my wife and no one could tell me something other wise.

I grabbed onto her chin roughly. She squeezed her eyes shut.

"And I'm pretty sure I'll see you there sweetheart."

Then I continued as I was doing. I unlocked the bedroom door and walked out.


I told Mia and Lauren about my most recent discovery. I needed advice because I didn't know what to do. I wanted to kill him, humiliate him, kill him and so much more.

"What should I do?"

"Kill both of them!"said Lauren.

"Agreed." said Mia.

Than I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and guess who decided to stop by? Matiah.

I opened the door and her face was reddened and she looked pale.



"Hi Teya. I really need to talk to you about something, privately." She was took a glance over my shoulder at Mia and Lauren.

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