30: Future.

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30: Future

"You're an amazing women and you deserve the world. I want you to be happy and sadly I can't erase the past. I want to show you what love is all about as cliche as it may sound. I may not be Prince Charming but I care about you."

Troy is the best thing that could've happen to me. He came at the right time in my life. He's the picture perfect man that I've always described. Its unbelievable to even think that this isn't all a dream.

His ex lost something great and she is truly missing out. Now I'm the one reaping the benefits.

"And you're everything that I could've ever want in a man."

Broad shoulders, smooth dark skin, light brown eyes which always seemed to carry a glint. Straight white teeth that made you melt each and every time he smiled. A playful smirk that played on his plump lips. Jet black curly hair that he cautiously ran his fingers threw. Than to top it off his always freshly shaved.

I can truly say that God spent a good amount of time on him.

"You're everything I want in a women. A women with a fiery temper but will go a mile for those she loves. It's like you don't know how great you are. What will it take for you to realize that it doesn't matter about who you've been with? Burdens? I have burdens too. Regrets? I have plenty of them. We have something beyond the word chemistry."

I was taking in everything, I didn't know what to say. He left me speechless.

"Don't get offended but I'm not Charles. He hurt you. He lied to you. I've kept it real with you from day one. I've never given you the wrong message. I've never led you. I've kept it clear and have shown you what I'm all about. You've recently got out of a bad relationship and so have I. I know how it feels and when I say I know how it feels. I seriously mean it."

I grabbed onto his arm as my legs went weak.

He held me as we were both now on the floor. I looked up at him as I told him my fears.

My weaknesses.

"I'm scared. It's hard. It's hard to come out of a relationship. A relationship where you thought it would last. I gave both my heart and body. And in return I got them both shoved into the dirt. I was humiliated."

I started to grind my teeth together to stop from crying. "I honestly contemplated killing him. I wanted to kill him. It was the fact that he said he loved me even after I found out. How could you love somebody but continuously cheat on them? That's sick."

I felt nauseous at the thought of Charles and Matiah doing the deed.

"There was so many times I wanted to ask him....if he did it. Then came back and laid in bed with me. If he kissed me after he kissed her. If h-"

Troy grabbed my chin. "Don't go there." He kissed the top of my head.

"I was scared to fall in love again. I went from cloud 9 to 0. I went from being treated like a princess to some side chick." I felt my blood boiling.

"I don't want to be anybody's second choice. Charles treated me with so much respect in the beginning. You don't deceive someone than say that you love them. You can't just say sorry than expect everything to be all better. Life doesn't work that way. I don't work that way. I love you Troy. You have me past the clouds and we haven't known each other that long. I've realized that God doesn't work on our time but his own. He brought you into my life when I was questioning my own self. I don't know what my future holds but I know I want you by my side. I don't want to keep reminiscing on my past."

I felt him lightly brush me to the side. I was taken back. I had jus expressed how I felt just to be pushed away.

I stood up. "I basically pour my heart out and I get brushed to the side? I think it's time for you to go. Don't even bother calling me."

I grabbed his coat. Troy than did the unthinkable. He kneeled in front of me and reached into his pocket. I instantly dropped his coat and kneeled in front him.

"Will you take Higgings to be your last name? Will you let me take your hand in marriage? Will you marry me?"

I cradled his face in my hands.


We both stood to our feet. I offered my left hand. He slipped the ring onto my finger. It glistened in the light.

"By the way? I pour my heart to you every time I see you. Let's be honest." He grunted. I kissed his cheek.

The size of the diamond had me shocked. This ring must've costed him a lot. I wasn't even the type to care even if it was the size of a peanut.

Actually? I'll take that back but it was absolutely beautiful.

What mattered at this moment was how fast things turned for the better. And in the matter of weeks.

I covered my mouth. I was in awe. "As cliche as this may sound. Can you please pinch me?"

He grabbed me into a tight embrace and I felt nothing but joy. He expressed how much he cared about me since the day he stepped out into the parking lot.

"I was nervous it wouldn't fit on that chubby little finger of yours." He teased. "My fingers are not chubby. It fits perfectly." I smiled up at him.

"Why would you let me buy that condo if you were going to propose?"

"You couldn't have stayed in that house. You were going insane."

"I could've managed." I whispered.

"No you wouldn't have. I thought about you moving in with me but it wouldn't have been the best decision either. I thought about it but the temptation would've been more than I could bear. We still have months of planning and in the mean time we can look for a house for us both to abide in. You could move your parents into the condo. It would be perfect for them."

I was flustered. He kissed me on the forehead. I hugged him and I felt so peaceful in his arms. I could stay just like this forever. "Are you going to call your parents?"

"I will but I like this position we're in." I snuggled in his arms a little bit more.

I heard him chuckle. "I would love to stay in this position but I have to get to the office to finalize some files. I'll call you but that's if you wait up for me."

"I'll wait up for you. Get going. I don't want to keep you in the office all night."

I said playful slapping his chest. He kissed me on the forehead. "Stop kissing me on the forehead. I'm not a baby."

"You're my baby and you'll be having my babies too." I stood there with my eyes probably budging out of my head. He laughed and gave me one last hug before leaving.

I could really get used to his kisses and hugs. I'm excited for the future and what it holds for us.

Now I need to call my parents and my best friends to inform them. About this this special occasion that will soon be coming up in the next few months.

Don't forget to leave comments, thoughts, and ideas - T

The ring will be posted as well for you all to see. •

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