7: A Gathering of Women

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7: A Gathering of Women

"Ladies! Settle down!"

All the ladies began to quiet down.

"Thank you! I've had a lot of you ladies individually come to me with many ideas. I thought why not have a get together. We've had a lot of questions asked so why not have a day where you'll receive answers. We'll be looking into things we can change so this is the moment to let us know."

"Speak now or forever hold your peace!"Lauren chimed in.

"Questions?"asked Mia.

After a few minutes of silence a lady stood up.

"What step should be taken if you believe someone doesn't deserve the position their currently in? Or if you simply don't like the individual and the way that they handle situations, in terms of a lady representative?"

I seen a few women nod their heads in agreement. Was she referring to one of us? I looked at Lauren.

"I'll say it if no one will." I heard a lady mumble. "Say what?" Lauren asked.

"Matiah. She's recently taken a position in the ministry as one of the representatives."

"Many of us feel as if she isn't taking her position seriously. She's not even here right now. What does that say about her character." The lady who asked the question continued to say.

"She needs to go." said another lady.

"I heard she was down at Pablo's doing some sinful things. Rumour has it she's been sleeping around with one of the ministers."said another.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves with rumours. My motto is that whatever is in the darkness shall come to light." I said.

"I agree with that!"a lady shouted.

"Question?" Mia asked trying to move on from the topic.

"What should you do if you're seeing someone? Someone who doesn't go to church or takes much interest in your beliefs?" asked a young female shyly.

"Don't be shy. We've all had boyfriends or even one night stands. I can be honest. We've all made bad decisions but all you have to do it learn from them. If you are pursing a relationship out of church. You should take some things into consideration."said Mia.

The young female nodded. "First off don't move too fast and don't do anything you know you shouldn't do. Don't let any boy pressure you into doing something you don't want to do. Follow your intuition and stick with it."

"Because it's either you're going to be the one to introduce him to church or he'll be the one to drag you out."said Lauren.

"It's happened before." Someone mumbled. "Quiet down."said Lauren.

"I have a question for Teya."said a lady in red.

"Ask away." I was an open book.

"How did you know that Pastor was the one?"

"I didn't necessarily know. I was never the one to believe in love at first sight. It was something that just happened. My intentions were never to become a church goer. Even him reviewing the opportunity of being a pastor. I didn't want to be considered as First Lady or as the pastors wife."

"Why is that? Being labeled as the First Lady is such an honor."

"I didn't and I still don't care for a label. Before I started coming to church I had liked the way my life was going. I didn't have any restrictions. I liked going out and partying. I could sleep with whom ever I wanted to."

"TMI"said Mia.

"I want to be as honest as possible. I would've accepted God sooner if people were HONEST. What do you get out of sugar coating things? We've all made bad decisions and we still do make bad decisions."

"Amen!" The ladies shouted.

"I most definitely agree but my stomach is telling me another story. Is anyone else feeling a bit hungry?!"said Lauren.

We all started laughing. "I'll get the appetizers!"said Mia.

"I'll get the drinks."

I walked into the kitchen. Mia followed behind me. She had platers of fruits, sandwiches, and drinks etc. on the counter.

"This is nice." I admired her handy work. "Thank you. You're being real honest with these ladies."said Mia.

"I want to be real with them. I wanted people to be honest with me when I first came to church. Ministers need to stop acting like they came out the womb sanctified. Rather than feeding people lies tell them the truth."

"I agree. I wouldn't have done a lot of things if I knew what I know now."said Mia.

"We've all made mistakes. We just have to avoid making them again. Let's get these refreshers out."

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